Another Resolution Story.
You pick habits from your teen years and they will perhaps just be a phase. You keep at it repeatedly for a while and once it starts to contradict your routine, it goes out the door.
As a teenager, it was difficult not to hear people talk about new year resolutions amidst all the Christmas and Newyear celebration. Everyone had a list of things they wanted achieve or become in the new year. At that age, whether you understood what was going on or not, you grab a pen and paper start writing because your Sunday school teacher or class teacher said you should. Coercing me write a list because it was a new year was pointless and sometimes i wonder how I did not pick the habit of being ‘List friendly’ (I think the only list i religiously always compiled was my provision list for boarding school). Asides that, I will drag feet for anyother thing that involved conscious effort to collate even my prayer request especially when I am not ready. Bad habit I know but as you grow, reality and responsibility hits you with lessons and you just learn to behave.
At an older age, we still so easily fall in and out of habits and this means that anything we consciously have to make an effort to achieve might be dropped. A simple explanation to this is that ‘humans like the easy way and if we have to work too hard, we start drifting.
This is exactly what happens with New year resolution(s). It has become so stereotyped that we kind of join the bandwagon before we pause to evaluate our decisions. Every year, we make a long list of action items without being mentally ready and because some of these goals/resolutions take a long period of time and planning to achieve, we fall out. This approach is as good as over before it even began.
Here are three reasons why your new year resolution/goal will be mere words:
You participate because it seems like a good idea.
So everyone is doing it, then I should do it too. This is just wrong on so many levels. Big dreams and lofty goals are great but without the passion to take on a task and skill to actually achieve them , a good idea is just what it will be. Determination is required to bring an idea to life.
For instance, Mr. X goes jogging every morning for health reasons. This means that his will to stay healthy motivates him while your seemingly good idea to join Mr. X will tire after two mornings once it disturbs your beauty sleep. Basically, resolutions require commitment and motivation so embark on a ‘good idea’ but find a reason to stay till the aim is achieved.
You wait until the New year .
This is actually just wrong timing. Why do we wait till the last day or first day of a year before re-evaluating our choices for the future. I know it is somewhat easy to choose the new year to make amends for goals that have not been met. Sincerely, if we cannot set goals for the day, week or month it will equally be impossible to focus on achieving a goal planned on the spur of a moment without premeditation. Instead of waiting for the year to end or begin, consciously start by taking gradual steps that lead to a the final goal. Make choices according to what needs to be done daily and start. We are supposed to keep evolving and this can only happen if we consciously decide to make positive changes daily as it affects our career, lifestyle, religion e.t.c
(On a lighter note)
You like sardine so much and it actually affects your choices.
Oh well!!!!! I will just squeeze plan a,b,c,d and e into a year and make it work.
Great idea!!! But this approach will not work just because 4 or 6 or 8 people can share a tin of sardine. Resolutions do not work that way.
You know, we sometimes set ourselves up for disappointment. How do we think it is possible to fit our MANY dreams/plans/goals/resolutions etc into a tin ‘like sardines’ and seal them up. We make too many resolutions at once and in return our plans suffocate. The aftermath might be difficult to manage. Basically, five projects need well spaced time to ensure plans are carried out accordingly even when resources are available.
If ALL our plans can be achieved in a year or less without processes being sabotaged or altered, then that is just perfect. If this is not the case, it is necessary to spread our plans over a reasonable period of time. Having it done anyother way might be a risk.
There are no blueprints for how to stay true to your resolutions but these basic steps should suffice:
- Have the right attitude. Make resolutions with a clear mind and not out of desperation or because someone you know is invovled.
- Make realistic goals
- Find out what is involved. Obligations, risks, time-line, professionals etc
- Set achievable timelines with the resources available.
- Start when you are ready and equipped.
- Work according to your pace.
- Give room for positive adjustments
- Enjoy the amazing benefit of planning ☺☺☺
Do not wait till the new year to set goals or make resolutions. JUST DO IT…..one goal at a time.
Have an Amazing 2017!!!!!!!!!! ???
Peace, Love and Cupcakes
