WordSearchSeries #3- FLEECING
Today on #WordSearchSeries, I came across Fleecing.
While having regular conversations with the hubby, he mentioned I should check out a video he had watched on you tube by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie where she talked about the dangers of a single story. After my usual ‘shakara’ and asking what I stand to gain……..i went ahead to search for and watch the video.
May I just say what you already know. Chimamanda is such an amazing public speaker and writer. I went on to stalk her throughout that day. I watched almost all videos that had her being interviewed, watched her book readings, it was a beautiful discovery for me. Prior to this day, I had always just heard about her but never really made any discovery about her on my own.
There is no way you will listen to a wordsmith speak and not learn a new word. In the video, she explained the single story she had adopted from the US Media coverage on mexicans as being abject immigrants that were fleecing the US health care system, sneaking across the border and being arrested etc. Of course that perception changed when she actually visited Guadalajara (Shout out to my fellow ‘Woman of Steel’ viewers).
The word that caught my attention was Fleecing. I have never heard the word but what came to mind was flea (the insect) and it did not make sense when I added ‘c-ing’ or ‘s-ing to flea. I tried a couple of other spellings and got the correct word.
I went ahead to check the dictionary and this is what I found.
- To defraud of money or property; swindle.
Example: The cab drivers are notorious for fixing fares and fleecing tourists
- To cover with a fleece or similar covering.
Example: The sky was half blue, half fleeced with white clouds
As most of our english words, there are other meanings for fleece.
Chimamanda’s presentation on the ‘Danger of a single story’ is amazing by the way. You should check it out on youtube when you have the time.
Until I have a new word to share…………….
Peace, Love and Cupcakes