#IWD2017: What makes women remarkable?
I am of the opinion that women should be celebrated everyday, but having a particular day to acknowledge women is definitely not a bad idea….
The 8th of March is recognised globally as International Women’s Day to commemorate the struggle of women’s rights.

I’ll like to add that it is a day to also celebrate the achievements of every woman no matter how little. As long as you push to exceed current limits everyday, every area should be celebrated (Political, Educational, Family, Socially, Career, Business etc).
So on this day let’s think deeply, what makes women remarkable?
I answered mine on a facebook group I joined recently and here’s what I said-
Regardless of our backgrounds, I believe all women have the ability to be resourceful, adaptable and resilient.
If there’s one thing I’ll love to see more, it’s ‘more women being open to support more women’. The world will be such a beautiful place if we have more women looking out for eachother.
In the most little way, let’s make a conscious effort to acknowledge eachother’s effort, support small ideas/ businesses and basically just lead a happy life so others can learn.
Trying so hard not to mention the men but scratch that….we need them too so Dear men, lead a happy life as well and acknowledge the achievements of the women you know. There is really no competition.
Do tell, what is your take?
What makes women remarkable?
Hint: Personalise this question, think about yourself, your mum, wife, sister, friend, girlfriend and write her outstanding qualities. (Take it further, send those qualities in a text and watch as her day brightens)
Do share in the comment section…everyone can comment??
Happy International Women’s Day!!!!!!!!
Love, Peace and Cupcakes

Sheetal Bhardwaj
A woman is remarkable in the way she thinks, acts, expresses and sacrifices for people in her life. That what makes her stand out from the crowd. 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Sheetal, i agree with you….Thank you for reading…Hugssss
Sheetal Bhardwaj
Hugss back to you. 🙂
Two posts in one day…Hottest!
I’d probably brag about the women in my life and their strengths…but today i’m celebrating different.
I’m celebrating the able of women to bear pain, to look nothing like what they are going through, to keep up a brave front, for the sake of all the weak ones looking up to them.
Phaytea's Pulse
hi dear…. lool..With a little spare time and good internet, nothing is impossible. That’s the spirit…Hugggsss.. Thank you for reading…
Two posts in one day…Hottest!
I’d probably brag about the women in my life and their strengths…but today I’m celebrating different.
I’m celebrating the ability of women to bear pain, to look nothing like what they are going through, to keep up a brave front, for the sake of all the weak ones looking up to them.
Self – confidence is what makes a woman remarkable to me. That’s the superpower every woman needs <3
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Martha. Self confidence is definitely important too…Thank you for sharing and Happy International Women’s Day…hugsss
Luis C.
Happy Women’s Day to all
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you Luis.
Women are remarkable because there’s no one more resilient, hard-working, and generous than a woman. Women are the backbone of society. Without women, everything would fall apart!
Phaytea's Pulse
I agree, our ability to bounce back and be resourceful is amazing…Thank you for reading and sharing fabiola….??
Laura Gabrielle Feasey
‘Bend but don’t break’, I have always loved that saying. The women I know are remarkable because they’re resilient, creative, compassionate, ambitious and encouraging. And that is so inspiring. Great piece by the way! 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Very valid points..Thanks for reading and sharing Laura…..hugsssss ?
Becca Barracuda
I’ve seen a lot of the phrase, “Empowered women empower women” today. Which is just like what you said– it’s not a competition. Rather, we all need to empower each other!
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Becca, i agree….supporting eachother will do a lot of good….Thank you for reading
Roy Evans
I loved it!
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you Roy…..but you didn’t say what makes the women you know remarkable?
Beautiful post! Keep standing up for all women! I love it! Please check out my blog as well. I aim to uplifting women and all people!
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi ladyhood, thank you for reading. Sure, I will check your blog ☺☺
You are welcome!!!! Looking forward to your thoughts!!!!!!!
Letters That Matter
Very well written!!!
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi hi..Thank you for reading☺☺
Letters That Matter
My Pleasure!!!
Check out my poetry also to experience my magic of letters.
Hope you will like it:)
Phaytea's Pulse
I will check and definitely give a feedback. ☺
Letters That Matter