WordSearchSeries #5: Infantile
Hi hi….
I haven’t shared a new word since the 10th of February 2017, not because I didn’t find new words but because I’ve been super busy (not too busy to publish posts tho’, i find time) and trying to make a decision regarding when #WordSearchSeries should be published (I think that’s the main reason).
Blogging Tip: I read that it is important to have a blog schedule so I have decided to share a new word on phaytea’s pulse every Wednesday. I also realised I’ve published two posts every week since January 2017…not bad if you ask me ??
Today on #WordSearchSeries, i found Infantile.
About two weeks ago, i was having lunch while at my parents for the weekend and also watching my fave ‘romcom’ Silvana sin Lana (which means Manuel and Silvana) on Telemundo when I heard the word Infantile.
It was the same day I started writing On beautiful memories and change. Please read.
In this episode of Manuel and Silvana, Antonio Hose Villaseñor was upset and reffered to Manuel Gillardo’s behaviour as ‘infantile’. (Just incase you’ve never watched, Manuel is Antonio’s wife’s ‘love interest’. For a good laugh, I will recommend this romcom to anyone).
I have never used the word Infantile so I checked my dictionary and here’s what I found:
- You can use infantile as an adjective:
Of or occurring among babies or very young children. E.g infantile colic, infantile disease.
- It can also be used in a derogatory statement (characteristics befitting an infant) just as in Antonio’s statement to Manuel.
Infantile means childish, babyish, immature, inane,silly.
E.g – He spends his time exchanging infantile jokes suitable for the playground.
I do not encourage anyone to go about making derogatory statements now…I just wanted to know why infant was in the word when refering to an adult.
If you have a new word to share, please do so in the comment section and also include the situation when you heard the word you want to share.
I’ll be sharing a new word next Wednesday on #WordSearchSeries.
Love, Peace and Cupcakes