Bloggers Recognition Award
Whoop Whoop!!!!
We have our First Bloggers Recognition Award, plenty thanks to the lovely Sheetal for the nomination.
Totally excited as this means you are reading Phaytea’s Pulse. Thank you for the comments, likes and for sharing on your social media platforms too. What!!!! You make me want to keep getting better at this. Sending plenty hugs to go round.
How i started Phaytea’s Pulse?
it’s funny but I started this blog in 2011 just as a young girl who was internet savvy and loved social media. Creating a blog then seemed like a ‘nice to have’, I guess that was the reason for the inconsistent posts.
…oh yeah!!! and there was school, exams, growing up and a career to deal with *wink. I randomly wrote about work, service year, expectations and my state of mind.
Recently, i re-ignited my love for writing, i’ve been consistent and I intend to get better one post at a time.
Advice to bloggers:
- Do not force things, your instinct will nudge you when it is time. This includes writing.
- Learn something new everyday. It will help you be more descriptive/expressive when writing.
I would like to nominate these lovely bloggers who have been interactive on Phaytea’s Pulse:
- Jemmyma
- Natalie
- Moushmi
- Fabiola
- Becca
- Danielle
- Cheila
- Chaos xd
- The dusky beauty
- Fetinatwinkle
- My sisters keeper
- Roy
- Summervinn
- Hailangeliccreaction
- Thoughtsandlife
Here are the rules:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
- Write a post to show your award.
- Give a brief story about how you started your blog.
- Give 2 pieces of advice to new bloggers.
- Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this advice.
- Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them. Provide a link to the post you created.
Keep Writing and Happy Blogging!!!
Love, Peace and Cupcakes
Phaytea ???

Congratulations!!!! ??
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you Fetinatwinkle☺☺
Congratulations & thank you so much for this nomination :* I will make it done asap :* 🙂
lots of love by https://theduskybeauty.wordpress.com
Priyanka Ojha
Phaytea's Pulse
You are welcome priyanka…Thank you for being interactive. ☺☺
Sheetal Bhardwaj
Congrats Phaytea. 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Sheetal….Thank youuuuu☺☺