Mindfulness: 7 things you do without knowing it leaves a bad impression.
…..or maybe you do know, but can’t be bothered….
Never mind what haters say, ignore them till they fade away…
T.I and Rihanna had a good time getting us psyched up with the song ‘Live your Life’. I totally love that song by the way, but unless you plan to live in space with aliens, you should care a tiny bit about how you live your life and avoid being quick to assume someone is a ‘hater’ (This word is used loosely these days).
How about we look inward?
As individuals, we have different personality traits which reflects in our temperament, character, thinking, speaking and understanding. We also have the ‘right’ to insist our personality is ‘who we are’ and we ‘cannot/will not change’ for anyone.
However, mindfulness teaches us to be fully aware of our behaviour, to avoid being overly reactive and be able to manage our expectations.
It is difficult to suddenly change our personality but being devoted to mindfulness enables us to think before we speak or react.
I like to say:
You are only as good as your last behaviour….
But what happens when you have no idea you behaved inappropriately? Trust me, being judged for something you did unintentionally is awkward and can be avoided when you are mindful.
We can never know everything about mindfulness, but once we consciously strive to be a better person, it reflects in our personality.
I will be sharing seven things we most likely do with good intentions but still end up sending the wrong vibes to other people. Some things on this list also form our impression about people and vice versa:
- Teasing a friend in public using a personal information you were told in confidence.
Nobody likes to be teased about his/her issues in public no matter how nicely put. Doing this to a person you know will hurt and it should be regarded as inappropriate. Do you agree?
- Talking or asking questions without tact. (Familiarity is no excuse for inappropriate comments).
Have you met them? The ones that ask you questions like: Why are you now fat? You don’t pay school fees, what do you need money for? or when will you start having kids? Any statement or question that puts a person in an awkward situation is inappropriate and certainly gives a wrong vibe about the person asking.
- Perfectionist disorder. (Extreme or light cases)
Refusing to accept any standard short of perfection is encouraged but do you notice how offensive it gets if the person in question gets emphatic or bossy. Honestly, if i have to work with an’extreme perfectionist’ i always go- oh no!…not again. I think you can achieve perfection without being unpleasantly overpowering. Mindfulness is key.
- What Sussie says of Sally says more about Sussie than of Sally.
This is quite explanatory. The intention is to ‘gist’ but are you over doing it? Read again. You definitely give others the wrong vibe if you are Sussie.
- Are you pessimistic most of the time? You should pay attention to what you’re talking about.
Looking out for the bad in everything? whining, complaining a lot? That isn’t the vibe people want to get from you especially when it involves starting a task.
We all have our bad days but if you’re constantly coming to others with one problem or the other or insisting you have bigger problems than them, you are definitely sending out the wrong vibes. Do not be a killjoy.
- Goody two shoes ~ smart alec ~conceited.
I had to sum up all three because they tilt towards being self confident but when it’s done in excess, it sends out the wrong vibes. There is a thin line between being confident and being cocky.
- Being unapologetic
As mentioned earlier, we have the right to insist we are not sorry for the ‘person’ we are or have become and that’s fine. I also agree that we should be ‘unapologetically ourself’ but avoid being irresponsible about it. Be fair and ensure you are ‘doing things the right way’ and not just ‘doing things right’. Apologise when you are wrong.
Nugget: Don’t just ‘live your life’ , be mindful, look inward because change begins with you.
Are there things you’ve been judged for before you got the chance to apologise?
Are there things you do with good intentions but somehow gets misunderstood?
Please share in the comment section so we can all learn and unlearn.
Also add to the list if you will??
Love, Peace and Cupcakes

2017 political correctedness says I should stop asking people why they are now fat.
I have not come to terms or agreed with it yet.
Until then, y’all have to deal with me asking /looking out for your weight!
Phaytea's Pulse
Haha….I know right…you can go all out when the person is your friend. That’s fine…I saw a meme that reads Dear Nigerians, ‘You’ve added weight’ is not a greeting. ???
Sheetal Bhardwaj
Well expressed. 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Thanks for reading sheetal??
Sheetal Bhardwaj
My pleasure.
Shirley Corder
Some very good points, thanks. I especially like the Sussie and Sally point.
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for reading shirley☺☺
Sonja Josipovics
Great post! I agree with everything you wrote here.
Luis C.
Great post, will follow this tips
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for reading Luis
wow,i really like the post
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for reading Charles
Altea Leszczynska
I love your inspirational quotes! Great post!
Phaytea's Pulse
Thanks for reading Altea….
nice post.i enjoyed reading
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you ellhamm. I’m glad you enjoyed reading.
I though this was a great article. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
Phaytea's Pulse
Aww…Thank you for reading Jim…I’m glad
Nilakshi Pathak
The article was really helpful. Thanks for sharing
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Nilakshi, Thanks for reading
This was really interesting, great post!
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Rosewj, Thank you for reading ??
Jo (Fallen Angel)
I’m practicing mindfulness more and more. My problem is with saying the wrong thing at the wrong time but getting wound up about things I can’t control. Being more mindful of my feelings is really helping 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
I’ve been there….I now try to study a person’s mood before I ask questions or speak…being mindful does help….Thanks for reading jo…hugss
Modern Gypsy
These are some excellent tips. I really don’t like the word “haters” – it’s just such a blanket statement on everything and everyone. The one about being mindful of the questions you ask others, even your bffs, is spot on. Some things are simply no one’s business.
Phaytea's Pulse
Thanks for reading Modern Gypsy…..I’m glad you get the essence of this post….????
I’m guilty of pessimism sometimes, especially at work, but I am aware of it and always try and apologise for being a negative Nellie!
Phaytea's Pulse
Awwww…At least you are aware and apologise to your colleagues…That clears the air and you are good again. Hugsss
You’re absolutely right, we can’t change any behavior until we become aware of it. Becoming aware of the impact our words and actions have is the key. I love the way you called out some key things many of us (including me!) have unconsciously walked right into without realizing it. Thanks for the post!
Phaytea's Pulse
I agree with your contribution Angela…Thank you for reading ??
Great post. I always try to think before I say something, but sometimes the reflection comes after the fact 😉
Phaytea's Pulse
I know that feeling….Thanks for commenting Ewa ☺☺☺