Phayview #2 : Links you will love
Hi hi,
Are we having a good day?
Phayview #1 was published last Sunday, so over the past week, I thought it will be a good idea to publish ‘Phayview‘ every sunday. (hey! Look at that, I’m gradually sticking to blog scheduling *wink).
While surfing the internet, I came across a video I will like to share. It explains one of the things we must ‘not do’ if we want to lead a happy life. I love to read everything that encourages self-love and Mindfulness.
Please enjoy this video below by Comedian Tom Shillue which was done for PragerU :
As a writer, are the times when you go blank? Here are 46 ideas to beat bloggers block written by Suzie81Speaks. She is an amazing blogger. Click the link and Thank me later.*wink
This week, i read a post that connects with my childhood and probably yours too. I liked that it reminded me that it is okay to relive beautiful childhood memories once in while.
We spend a lot of time ‘being an adult’ and get caught in overwhelming adult activities that we forget to just really relax. I totally miss those time when we did not have to worry about bills and only argue about our favourite cartoon characters or what super heroes we wanted to be (I always wanted to be the Pink Ranger in Mighty Morphin ‘Go Go’ Power Rangers). *inserts theme song ?? What super hero did you want to be while you were younger?
Do enjoy this article titled Revival of the Child by Sudhanshu Joshi. I loved the idea of this article so i dropped a comment.
Ps: I did a bit of yoga for the first time this weekend. I like that it is slow paced and I was drenched in sweat by the time I was done. Sweating means I’m loosing weight right? Haha…
Here’s the video I used below:
Have a lovely week ahead and Remember to keep the child inside you alive.
Oh…and yea
Let me know please, can you really loose some weight by doing yoga?
….and on a light note, what super hero did you want to be while you were younger?
Love, Peace and Cupcakes

Loved this idea of yours of showing blogs to read ! And thank you so much for linking my article ! 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi SJ , you are welcome…I really did enjoy reading your post that’s why I shared it here
Hi! Happy to have found your blog! I love the layout, the style the content…everything! I’ve read some of your posts and I can’t wait to read more! Looking forward to following you ?
Lisa | http://www.fromdreamtoplan.net/
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi lisa..Thanks for the kind words..I’m glad you liked my content ….I’ll check yours too??
My pleasure! Oh thank you, so nice of you! 🙂
Jay Colby
Great ideas
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Jay, Thank you for reading
Thanks for sharing these blogs for reading. I love yoga and yes I do believe you can lose weight but it also means a combination of consistency and making healthier food choices. Good luck. I found you through Blog Share Learn on FB.
Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond.
Phaytea's Pulse
Thanks for reading sizzlesue …I’ll keep that in mind ☺☺
Great post, really positive message being spread which is definitely needed. I love yoga so this was a great read..
Phaytea's Pulse
I just tried yoga for the first time…still getting a hang of it….I’m glad you enjoyed reading.
Wow, I love this idea of sharing other blogs! 🙂
And yoga is life!
Phaytea's Pulse
I see everyone loves yoga….I’ll definitely check your blog too ☺☺
Yes, it’s pretty amazing!
Thank you! I just followed you ?
Sarah Louise
I can’t stick to blog scheduling either so I know how that feels. A lot gets in the way… Mostly my daughter who just won’t leave me alone haha. I actually really like your blog and you have a great idea here!
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Sarah… A lot really gets in the way… I appreciate the kind words…. and sending hugssssss for your cute daughter who should never leave you alone ☺☺☺☺
John Morgan
Thanks for a great blog follow us on Capsuleight on Facebook we have our own blogger that comments on the world of fashion and all things related
Phaytea's Pulse
Thanks John..
Amazing links. thanks for sharing.
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank youuuuuu ☺☺☺..I’m glad you stopped by
Sonja Josipovics
Great links, love your idea!
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you Sonja ☺☺☺ I’m glad you like it
Loved this post! Always such a feel-good- posts you have in here 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Aww veera…Thanks for the kind words. ☺☺☺
Great idea and great content.
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Dusica, Thank you for the lovely comment
You’re probably too young to remember this, but I wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer. Google it…you will crack up 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Haha …..I’ll check it out now……Thanks for the comment ???
I didn’t want to be a superhero, but my favorite superhero was Batman from the reruns of the old TV series. I watched faithfully and thought he was the bravest, sexiest thing on the planet. LOL
Phaytea's Pulse
Haha…Nice…I liked Batman too with his always laid/awesome looking hair/haircut…