
WordSearchSeries #7: Piety

Hi hi,

It’s another wednesday and that means we have a new word to share on #WordSearchSeries.

Quick bant:

I had the busiest day at my job earlier today. 

Planned to write, edit then publish #WordSearchSeries at lunch time but that did not happen. I was only able to reply your comments on Not all wounds are visible which I totally appreciate and enjoy doing. (Please click if you haven’t read that article already).

After dinner, I was about to take the couch potato position to catch up on Marido en alquiler which means Husband for Hire (its a spanish telenovela that has nothing to do with literally hiring a husband ??) when I remembered I had not put up the new word from Wednesday. I thought about moving it till Thursday but I just started trying out blog scheduling  and it is still too early to start rescheduling right? (it is certainly not the easiest thing to do because activities do get in the way).

So here we go:


The other day I was going through a friend’s post on Facebook. It was an emotional post so I decided to go check the comments. That’s when I sawPiety’.

Someone had written “what a piety” instead of “what a pity”. I was going to shrug off the typo but then, piety seemed like a proper word so I grabbed my dictionary.

Here’s what I found out:

Piety means: 

  • The quality of being religious or reverent 
  • Devotion and reverence to religious practices.

Synonyms include:religious, holiness, devotion, godliness, sanctitude

It also means:

  • A belief which is accepted with unthinking conventional reverence.

Synonyms include: Obedience, duty, respect, compliance

From the look of things, it seems you can only use piety in really deep sentences like : 

  • The lady had a calm look of piety and total resignation to God’s will.

This has never been a regular word for me but if you have used it before, tell me-

How would you use piety in a sentence?

Love, Peace and Cupcakes




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