An Award, 2 Tags and a Facebook page.
This is a very light hearted post……
Hi hi,
Sprinkles happy glitters….
I get super excited when your contributions roll in, it means I am doing something right and your comments make me want to write better. I appreciate every time you spend on Phaytea’s Pulse. Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu.
Quick Update !!!
Phaytea’s Pulse now has a facebook page. I know i am so 2000 and late but I finally decided to go for it. Please click the link and like:
The widget box is also at the footer of this article so you can like easily too. Drop a comment with your link below so I can reciprocate.
Still in the mood of excitement, I’ll like to acknowledge three lovely bloggers, Cheila , Reflection of Des and Sheetal.
They nominated Phaytea’s Pulse for The Cramm Award (created by The Cramm, Liz) , The Blue Sky Tag and I am Thankful Tag respectively. Please check their blogs too and enjoy their awesomeness??
There are 7 Rules for the Cramm Award as seen in Cheila’s post but please permit me to go with 1 and Cheila’s challenge question to me:
- Share 3 things that motivate you to blog.
- Expression through words, I always have an opinion so what better place to say it. No holds barred as long as I’m respectful.
- You all motivate me to keep writing. I like that we interact here and I totally love reading from you all.
- Life experiences, daily activities… I like how writing makes you pay attention to ‘Everything’. An empty bottle can make a nice story yea..who wants to try that ?*wink
My challenge question from Cheila:
Tell me how awesome you are. What do you do better than anyone else? What do you love about yourself?
I am awesometastic!!!! I can be myself more than anyone else.i love that I am optimistic, I love that I can be a girly girl and switch to boss girl in seconds. I love that I love God, my family and friends. Thank you for this nomination Cheila. Hugsssssssss.
The Blue Sky Tag is from Reflection of Des and it has some really fun questions as can be seen on her page. I don’t break rules all the time but again I’ll love to answer 3 from 11 questions.
- What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? Honestly, sometimes my subconscious tells me to reach out for my phone and other times I win and say a prayer.
- What’s one memory from your childhood you won’t forget? There’s lots of them….I liked to carry all my books textbooks to school then subsequently developed pains on my shoulder. My aunt used to sing a song about it to me…something in the lines of carrying a burden in my backpack. sigh ….I join her in singing and even break a move too. Read the article where I mentioned it.
- What’s your favourite icecream? Vanilla with caramel topping or nuts
- Do you believe there are still good people in the world? Yes, definitely
- Have you ever had a bad experience with someone on WordPress? Nope! and I don’t see it happening.
Hey look!! I answered 5 questions instead of 3 and I did enjoy your questions Des…. Now that’s 6. Thanks for the tag, I appreciate…Hugsssss.
My logo (well not exactly a logo) for the final tag from Sheetal is-
It’s the ‘I am Thankful Tag’. Yes, there are rules and I’ll be asking that you please allow me pick 2.
- Name 3 things you are thankful for
There’s so much to be thankful for Sheetal, I’ll try not to go beyond 3.
- Thankful for the Gift of Life and Good health.
- Thankful for family, the ability to love and also be loved.
- Thankful for balance, the ability to learn and unlearn through this means and others.
- Device a logo for your tag.
It’s the first thing I did before writing this post. Do you like it?
Thank you for this tag Sheetal….I enjoyed doing this…Hugsssss for you too.
A group hug should suffice here yea?….
If you have read till this point,
Your patience level is definitely Above 100%.
You have all been amazing so tagging only a number of people will not cut it.
Here’s what we will do, answer any question of you choice in the comment section:
- What motivates you to blog?
- What do you love about yourself?
- What are you thankful for?
I’ll love to read from you and learn a thing or two about my lovely readers.
Don’t forget to drop a link to your Facebook page if you have one.
Love, Peace and Cupcakes

Sheetal Bhardwaj
Awesome. Congrats. 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Thanks for the tag Sheetal…..
Sheetal Bhardwaj
You are welcome. 🙂
Sheetal Bhardwaj
Hey Lady listen up… There’s another nomination awaiting you. Have a look. ://theglittersoflife.wordpress.com/2017/03/24/1-award-and-loads-of-gratitude/
Phaytea's Pulse
Oh my!!!! I totally appreciate..Thank you Sheetal
Sheetal Bhardwaj
You are welcome. 😀