Moving On
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in the #AtoZChallenge for 2017. The Theme is ‘Awakening of Self’ and ‘Moving On’ is our entry for letter M. The theme focuses on character traits that will gear us towards Meaningful Living and will run for 26 days in April except sundays. Please stop by the blog everyday for subsequent posts as we read the 26 letters of the alphabet together. Enjoy!!☺☺
Hi hi
So i was going to reblog a previous post I had written about Mindfulness as my entry for letter M in the #AtoZChallenge.
The truth is, I was just being lazy but it is good that I have finally decided to write about ‘Moving on’ instead.
I’ll love you to read about Mindfulness: 7 things you do without knowing it leaves a bad impression as well. Generous much??
We are people of habit. When we like something or someone, we tend to build our emotions around it.
We like to remain comfortable. We get attached to people or situations that do not pose as a threat or give us stress.
In the same way, we detest situations that counter our expectations or basically anything that causes us to get disappointed or shift away from what we are used to.
What usually happens
In a bid to reach our goal, we will have to fail a few times, get disappointed, get hurt, endure pain or start over.
Unfortunately, starting over is a process that a lot of us do not handle very well.
If a business idea fails, what do you do?
If a relationship cannot be salvaged, what do you do?
The norm in these kind of situations will be to cry and sulk or stay away from anything exciting.
But this is not right.
What we should do
It is okay to cry or feel sad.
However, to give meaning to our life it is necessary that we move on.
Moving on can be very difficult and challenging especially if we have put in a lot of resources in a business idea or too much emotion in a relationship.
It will help if we realize that we can work towards getting a second chance.
We can work towards better ideas, we can start new friendships, we can own our happiness.
From the posts on my blog, I always advocate for positive thinking and meaningful living. When you channel your thoughts towards achieving the best for yourself, you will try to bounce back after a fall.
You should learn lessons from every fall and not wallow in sorrow or disappointment. Here are five things we can do to move on from disappointment.
- Find closure
Cry all you want, do not hold back on tears. Forgive if you have to. Be open to the transition process and finally move into a new space.
- Own your happiness
Engage in activities that make you happy. Be accountable for your happiness. Find out more in Keeping up with yourself.
- Change your mindset
Your subconscious will try to make you remember the low moment and get discouraged. Try to control your thought process. This post about managing your expectations can help.
- Learn from every fall
Every mistake made is an opportunity to learn. Read lessons from falling.
- Give yourself a second chance
Take a shot at new opportunities. Try new ideas. Start new friendships.
Nobody deserves to wallow in self pity so cry if you fall but get back up with the lessons you have learnt.
If you enjoyed reading this post, please share your thoughts.
Do you have tips for moving on?
How do you get over disappointment?
I’ll love to read from you.
Love, Peace and Cupcakes

Lovely message on a beautiful morning.
Phaytea's Pulse
Awwww…Thank you for reading Sivjini ☺☺
Lovely post! I love every single post you write, because you think very similar to me. I think that moving on from the past events and people, especially the negative ones, is necessary at some point of the life. It’s hard, but I think that if you want to truly move on, you have to move on from your past. ‘Cause if you are always going back to the past, you’ll be stuck there for a long time, maybe even for the whole life. It’s hard, but once you move forward, you will live life again and you’ll be happy and positive. Thanks for this post! 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi hi…Thank you for reading Tinkara and good to hear from you again….I agree with your contributions☺☺
Rose Sahetapy
I love to start my day reading a post like this, that gives an amazing motivation. If I may add, “forgive ourselves for what we’ve done in the past is also help to move on.” Great post!
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Rose, I’m glad this post is helpful…Thank you for sharing your thoughts☺☺
Davide Mana
Tanks for sharing.
Attachment is a dangerous thing, as it breeds pain – we must learn to let go, and it is a slow process.
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Davide……I agree with you..Thanks for sharing your thoughts☺
Moving on is the only option:)..Always give yourself many chances to succeed..
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Ravi, true words…we need to keeping pushing for a chance to succeed..Thank you for contributing ☺☺
Dreamer Achiever
Lovely post! There definitely should be more happiness and learning, and less sadness and blaming.
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi hi….you are correct….more happiness and a chance to keep learning…Thank you for sharing your thoughts☺
Sze Kim
Thank you for spreading up your positive energy to everyone. Agree with all your point. Great post!
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for reading Kim ☺
Such an inspiring article, thanks for sharing!
Phaytea's Pulse
Awww..Perla…Thank you for reading☺☺
Jasmin N
Wonderful post! Sometimes, moving on is the best thing you can do 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Yes I agree….Thank you for reading Jasmin ☺
Amazing post! I have learned that the only way to get over from disappointment is moving on. Personally, I don’t find it even that hard anymore, because I know that there will be better opinions ahead. One door closes so other door can open. You just need to keep your head up!
Heidi ? | Heidi’s Planner
Phaytea's Pulse
You have said it right Heidi…there’s no need to wallow in self pity…..Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts☺☺
Such a lovely post. A very helpful reminder that if something didn’t work out, it’s not the end of the world. No matter how hard it may seem, you have to get back up on your feet. As they say, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
– Prerna / http://www.prernashighonchai.com
Phaytea's Pulse
True words Prerna….Thank you for sharing your thoughts☺
Oindrila Sengupta
Amazing post. 🙂 Sometimes in life, you have to let go of things and moving on seems like a better option than being attached with something that doesn’t do any good to you. 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts Oindrila☺☺
inspiring post – I believe in every word – especially giving yourself a second chance
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Allli, Thank you for reading☺☺
This was so timely!!! Thank you so much for this. I really needed it. <3
Phaytea's Pulse
Awww…I’m glad this post is helpful…hugsss☺
Thank you for your helpful thoughts. 🙂 Moving on after an experience is very healing.
Phaytea's Pulse
I agree with you Mercy…Thank you for reading☺☺