5 Things I Can Afford At The Moment.
It’s finally friday…..
Are you excited the weekend is here?
Got plans?
Attending a wedding? Party? Shopping? Hair day? Meal prep?
One of the reason i look forward to friday is being able to stay awake longer than normal and not bother about having a drab Saturday morning. You?
Talking about shopping, what do you want so much right now but your bank statement is giving you a ‘side eye’..and asking, you really want to get that? Like right now?
Just this morning, a friend and I talked about the new Samsung Galaxy S8. That phone is sleek and I totally feel like I want (not need) an upgrade.
….Oh and I seconded Nora’s wish of getting a Mac book too.
They are all cool gadgets right? It will be totally awesome to cop any of those items…..plus my birthday is in two weeks, I think I have a wishlist and it will be nice to get something for myself.
As much as I know it could happen, I will just share 5 things i can afford right now WITHOUT getting a side eye from my master card.
- Gratitude
As tempting as getting an upgrade seems, I love that i can afford being grateful for what I have.
It is never about what I want, it is about what I have now and how content I am.
It is about being able to set priorities and knowing the difference between my wants and my needs.
So before you go about sulking, remember to stay grateful for what you have.
Read Jar filled with Gratitude for more tips.
- Embracing Imperfections.
We have been created in God’s image and likeness. We are beautifully made and nothing or no one should tell us otherwise.
No one person is created the same way or with the same capability. There is something unique about everyone and we should never compare or wish to be like anyone else.
“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken”- Oscar Wilde
I have learnt to embrace my myself (flaws and all). It is the gateway to hapinness, confidence, freedom and meaningful living.
I am glad I can afford to embrace my Imperfections. You should too.
Read Acceptance for more tips.
- Self Care
If you are anything like me, then you will understand how important it is to take care of yourself.
It is totally fine to be a tiny bit selfish when ‘you’ are involved. Your mind, soul and body should never be left unattended to.
Pursue things that will make you happy and stay happy. It can involve just relaxing in bed with a book or looking into the sky reminiscing. Eat healthy, stop thinking too much, laugh,cry, dance etc
Go minimal if you want but make sure you are happy…and well, splurge on an item if that does it for you.
I can totally afford self care without feeling like I carry all the burden in the world and I am grateful for that.
Read Self love for more tips.
- Positivity
Learning to block all forms of negativity is a skill I have been practising for a while now.
It just involves having deep conversations with yourself about what you want for you without letting negative thoughts and challenges get in the way.
Negativity will always be there though. It will come in form of thoughts, acquaintances, unforseen situations but consciously staying positive makes you go well ahead.
Being able to stay positive is something I can totally afford.. Well, it is free it only takes determination.
The final thing I can afford is:
- Second Chance
So i know i cannot get it right all the time. I know it sometimes take more than a trial to get things done correctly.
This is the reason why I do not beat myself up when I make a mistake. I dust myself up and try again.
To err is human and I understand other people cannot also be correct all the time. To a fault, I make excuses for people’s behaviour but it is also important to know when to draw the line.
Always give yourself an opportunity to try again. Self pity is toxic.
I can afford to give myself a second chance. I can laugh and learn from every fall.
Read Lessons from falling for more tips.
While I plan to get me some exciting things for my birthday and birthday week, i am happy I can afford these non-material things.
They will stay with me for a long time, I will not be needing an upgrade every year probably just a lot of dedication and commitment.
The best things in life are free.
Share your thoughts Lovelies…
What is that one thing you want/need at the moment but cannot afford?
What are the non-material things you can afford?
Can you differentiate your needs from your want?
How do you practice Self Care?
Remember you can click ‘Meet Phaytea‘ to find links to all our social media platforms.
I always love to hear from you.
Love, Peace and Cupcakes
Pictures| pixabay

I never thought that the article would be about gratitude, embracing your flaws ,self love and all; when I read the title.
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Miss Ananya…yea..i aimed for non-material things 🙂
Great post!
Phaytea's Pulse
oook…Thank you 🙂
Jasmin N
Non-material things are honestly the best things in life. Great post!
Phaytea's Pulse
I totally agree
Andrei Iliescu
I agree with Jasmin that non-material things are what really matter in life. Also, great showcase of your blog; I like how it’s split in half, really interesting concept.
Phaytea's Pulse
Awww..thank you Andrei
Haha, totally thought this would be able material things! So refreshing to see!
Phaytea's Pulse
haha..I know right..Thank you for reading☺
Michelle Langi
Wonderful post the little things in life are the ones we can afford daily yet we rarely use them.
Phaytea's Pulse
That’s so true..we tend to focus on the things that involve money
Such a totally different idea to what I thought the post was going to be! It’s all about the little things in life that often bring you the most happiness!
Phaytea's Pulse
The little things really brings us happiness…we have to keep that in mind always
Great post 🙂 I value experiences and memories over material possessions every day of the week.
Phaytea's Pulse
That’s good to know Queenmeh..it’s the best
Victoria Lola
I love this, Faith. Just like miss-ananya commented, I never thought it would be about those….but that’s just what I loved about this post. I love that you mentioned self love and second chance…..these are priceless!
Phaytea's Pulse
Totally priceless…free for us all to utilize…Thank you Victoria
I love this! It’s definitely super important to afford ourselves the things that money can’t buy. Those are actually the things that are the most valuable and give us complete happiness. I definitely am a work in progress when it comes to affording myself some of those things, but it’s very inspiring to read this! For self-care, I usually spend a little time watching my favorite movie, reading, or just relaxing with one of my favorite sweet treats. Thanks so much for sharing!
Phaytea's Pulse
I agree with you..we tend to rely on material things for happiness. It’s not the easiest but it’s important we learn to value the non material things too. Thank you for contributing dear
Yes, you’re so right! You’re so welcome! ?
I practice self care by just being alone by myself. Resting,reading a book no one to bother me. Just make time for myself to do something for me.
Phaytea's Pulse
Those are nice ways to practice selfcare
I certainly don’t need it, but the only thing I can think of is a new Chanel bag. Which is a waste of money and it’s just unnecessary luxury. I can’t add a car either but I use the public transportation anyways 🙂 So Im pretty happy with everything I have!
Phaytea's Pulse
Nice…staying content makes one happy
This is a great reflection. We’re all too concentrated on wanted more stuff, even if we don’t really need it, and we forget that the best things in life are free, and certainly not material things.
Phaytea's Pulse
I agree..Thank you for sharing your thoughts☺
The best things in life are free, indeed. I love this 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you dear☺
T. R. Noble
So many beautiful gifts God gives us that cost absolutely nothing! Thank you for your wonderful reminder on painting the truth 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Absolutely free for us to enjoy…Thank you for reading☺☺