A Mother's Love
Isn’t is awesome that we have celebrated women 3 times already this year?
We cannot just have enough days to appreciate Mother’s.
Like glue they stick when you are blue.
Like the moon they illuminate in the dark.
While we celebrate today, my thought and prayers goes out to anyone who lost their mum in one way or the other, i pray for strength to every striving single mum and women taking up the role as guardians to the orphans.
It is never easy even with the support of the man. This is why we must appreciate every female playing the Mother role as well.
For Mother’s day, i have put together 11 amazing quotes that define A Mother’s Love and what they are to us.
- Our First Love
- Our First Teacher
- Our Pro bono Lawyer
- Our Biggest Cheerleader
- Our Manual in human form
- Our Biggest Motivator
- Selfless
- Best Care Giver
- True definition of Tolerance
One more for the road
I’ll leave the eleventh number open for you to share yours too
In your own words, who is a mother to you?
I’ll love to read from you.
Happy Mother’s Day ??
Off to Mum’s… Can you tell I’m excited?
Love, Peace and Cupcakes
Flower images| pixabay

Wonderful post. Mothers are our guardian angels.
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi hi…I agree with you…Guardian Angels in every sense of the word ☺☺
Very inspiring and touching article!
Keep up writing!
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you Kate… Good to read from you ☺☺
The Aesthetic Scientist
Thank you for putting up such a relevant article today. I miss my mother 8000 kms away.
Phaytea's Pulse
Awwww…..I can imagine….A video call should help..Yes? Thank you for reading☺
Tony Michele
Happy Mother’s Day to you too!
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you Tony
Musings of a tired mummy...zzz...
I LOVE the selection of quotes you have used, particularly Jessica Lange and Ricki Lake,they are so true and apply to my own experience of motherhood
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for reading☺☺
Moms are amazing, aren’t day? 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Totally Amazing ☺☺
I can’t wait to be a mom 🙂 It’s the title I really want to have!
Phaytea's Pulse
I know right…Me too…Cheers to raising great kids in future ??
Hopefully we’ll still write a be a couple of mom bloggers. It will be an honor to read you then!!
Phaytea's Pulse
Yea….Thinking about it now, it’ll be awesome…fingers crossed☺☺
Vinod Verma
Mother’s are the greatest blessings. touching article.
Phaytea's Pulse
I agree..Thank you for reading☺
Nice compilation there… To my mind, one of my fav quotes is ” If my destiny was to be written by my mother, I would have never faced failures or struggles”, that’s how the mother feels and wants for their children. Special Forever, Dear Mothers
Phaytea's Pulse
Aww..this is so true…their kind heart always wants the best for their kids..Thank you for this heartfelt contribution
Aww that’s such a sweet quote: “A child’s first teacher is its mother.” <3 You have such a nice blog! And I followed you on Pinterest.
Phaytea's Pulse
Aww..Thank you Maggie 🙂 🙂
You’re very welcome! <3
T. R. Noble
My quote to answer your question, “Mothers are the first footprints a child is to follow.”
I love the way you structured this 🙂 on my second blog Peeking Beneath The Rock, I wrote about how my mom taught me throughout different ages, and I too used floral pictures. If you enjoy Pixbay for their free pictures, try out Pexels for a second source (also free images) when you need images. I use both, and it’s been great having more than one source for images.
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you dear…I’ll check out pexels
Ewa Wu
Great touching and inspirational quotes. Thanks for sharing.
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank youuuu☺