WordSearchSeries #12: Suborn + Lying by Omission
Once again, the world has been hit so hard and it has left us speechless. The departure of anyone is never good news especially if it was sudden.
My thoughts and prayer goes out to families of the victims affected by the Manchester attack. I pray for strength and comfort during this trying period, and I hope for Peace all over the world.
Today on #WordSearchSeries, i found SUBORN.
Have you heard or used ‘suborn‘ before?
I came across the word while reading news updates online yesterday.
Here is what it means:
- Suborn means to bribe or induce someone to commit an unlawful act.
- To instigate a person to commit a wrongful act.
For example, He was accused of conspiring to suborn witnesses.
I plan to use this word from now on as I feel we have over used bribe and induce.
You should totally add this word to your vocabulary if you are yet to.
For #WonderWednessday, we will be talking Lying by Omission.
Yes I know…and I’m going there.
Whether it’s lieing about an uncompleted assignment or lieing about why you showed up late to an appointment, we have all crossed that road.
We have all lied at one point in time. White lie, black lie, big lie, small lie….we’ve told a lie to manage a situation or avoid drastic repercussions.
What about withholding information?
Is it still a lie if you didn’t say or you weren’t asked?
This topic has been put up for discussion a lot of times and the most recent event I’ve seen this situation play out is in ‘Los Miserables’ a spanish telenovela I’ve been watching.
Basically, Lucia unintentionally gets entangled with two brothers, she was present when ‘brother a’ got shot which led to his death but she failed to tell ‘brother b’ because she was scared of the repercussions. (She doesn’t want to get arrested and also worried ‘brother b’ might think the worst of her for being in a situation with his brother). It’s really complicated.
Now, she lives with the guilt and have not been able to muster the courage she needs to give useful information to ‘brother b’ who happens to be a policeman.
Lucia needs to fight for justice and she’s scared the law will be against her for being a key witness and withholding information.
I’ll like to see how the telenovela pans out but enough with fiction, let’s talk reality and our experiences with withholding information.
We know our morals and values and all that stuff…..but I’m wondering….
Is withholding information the same as lieing?
Is it a lie if you didn’t mention?
Is it lieing if you weren’t asked?
Are there justifiable situations where you can withhold information or shouldn’t withhold information?
Share your thoughts Lovelies
I’ll love to read from you
Love, Peace and Cupcakes
Pictures| pixabay

I think it really depends on the situation. Sometimes you don’t share certain information because you know it will hurt someone. But this only works for very small and unimportant things. For example, if someone tells me they think my friend is ugly I will keep it to myself and not hurt their feeling. But if I know that her husband is cheating I will tell her. I know I should not get involved in couples issues but how could I have that information and not share it with my friend?
Phaytea's Pulse
Yea….it really depends on the situation….it could be really tricky but I guess our instincts will help us make the right decisions
Very informative, know I know what suborn means
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for reading☺
Suborn is certainly a new word for me. I’d like to add it to my daily synonyms on my blog. When it comes to lying by omission, that’s a grey area and it depends on the situation. I wonder if telling a half truth is the same as lying by omission. I think sometimes not telling the whole truth serves a purpose. I honestly don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing.
Phaytea's Pulse
I know right…I feel it’s kind of tricky too…The situation determines what should be done. Nice to know you’ve learnt a new word too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Mercy
I wouldn’t say that withholding information is the same as a lie. I guess it really depends on the situation, but generally no. I’d say it’s a way to work around lying, but I wouldn’t say it is lying.
Phaytea's Pulse
Lol..I get what you mean..Thank you for sharing your thoughts
Eve j
Suborn is new word I have just learned today. We all lie at some points in our lives, though it’s not something good to keep doing as a habit.
Phaytea's Pulse
Yaaay..I’m glad you learnt a new word
Suborn huh – nice, I’m going to keep that little word in my back pocket ready for action. Is withholding information lying? I’d only say if you’re doing it to be deliberately hurtful to someone, but it’s a grey area for sure! Nice way to get the brain working on a Thursday morning.
Phaytea's Pulse
Lol…I agree too Matt.. definitely a grey area
Michelle Langi
it’s not a lie if you forget to mention it. Suborn is a tough one.
Phaytea's Pulse
Hmmm…if one forgets…that’s another way to see it. 🙂 🙂
Edoardo Pucciarelli
Topics like that always put me to face with my integrity and ethic code. Thank you for posting your story
Phaytea's Pulse
I know right. Thank you for sharing your thoughts
This is really interesting! If you didn’t mention something it can be a lie depending on why you did it. White lies are for protecting yourself or other and usually aren’t a big deal. When bad intentions come with them… that’s the problem.
xx, Melissa
Phaytea's Pulse
Thanks for sharing your thoughts..The intention determines
This is quite interesting. A new word for me, definitely. What makes something a lie could be circumstantial, so the definitions get lost in between.
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi hi…glad you learnt a new word
Jasmin N
Leaving something unsaid is not lying in my opinion, or well – it depends on the situation. If it’s something very important that people should know, they it needs to come out, but with little things that aren’t that important, there’s no reason to make it a big deal.
Phaytea's Pulse
I agree with you..Thank you for sharing your thoughts
Interesting word! I’m trying to figure out what the translation of this word would be in Greek (my language)! Anyway, at least I know a new word in English!
Phaytea's Pulse
Haha…let me know when you find out?
Katja Knox
Obviously dependant on the situation, but I would say that withholding information is the same as a lie. Lying by omission is still a lie. I think we all need to be honest – it’s not the message it’s the delivery that usually hurts people.
Katja xxx
Phaytea's Pulse
Hmmmm…the delivery yea….that’s something to be mindful of…Thank you for the contribution
A Busy Bees Life - Sheri
lying by omission is lying. Let’s call a spade a spade. However, in some situations, you need to hold back information for a more appropriate time. I think honesty is always the best policy. Doing the right thing, is the right thing to do.
Phaytea's Pulse
I think doing the right thing the right way is more like it…i love your contribution. Thanks
Manavi Siddhanti
Something really new and interesting I have read today. 🙂 Great post.
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you☺
Hmm, I think it indeed depends on the situation. There are things that should be left unsaid if it won’t be part of the solution. 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
That’s something to look out for yea…it has to be part of a solution..Thank you for sharing your thoughts
I think that no matter what it’s always better to tell the truth it might hurt sometimes but it’s way much better than living in a lie.
Phaytea's Pulse
I agree..truth hurts but it’s a better option