Meaningful Living

Do you stick around in bad times too?

Last night I watched a movie titled Brave. The storyline was basically testing a wife’s loyalty after her husband got involved in a car accident and became bedridden. They were a young couple and the wife had to struggle to keep her vows. It was a difficult period for her but her Mother’s words of wisdom spurred her into making the right decisions, she nurtured her husband through the bad times, he eventually walked and they lived happily ever after.

You will agree that the normal thing to do is sticking with your spouse through the bad times, be understanding, give words of encouragement and all that stuff. This is even easier if you have good friends or family that can give you some encouragement too.

Genuine love will overcome all challenges and it is only relationships built on genuine love that can withstand the lemons life throws at them. 


Oh! It’s so easy to make that conclusion because they’ve gone to the altar and made a commitment before God and man….but

Does marital vows mean the couple always support each other?

What about relationships without marital commitment? 

What about people who are just friends?

Is it easy to be a good friend and stick around in bad times too?

Are you a good friend?

Do you stick around when your friends are passing through a difficult phase in their life?

If your answer is yes then Kudos!! Keep it that way and never stop supporting your friends. There are friends who stick closer than family and they even become family too.

If you have difficulty identifying a good friend, here are 10 signs that can help:

  1. Good friends are ‘extremely’ reliable. They keep their promise.
  2. Good friends apologise when they are wrong.
  3. Good friends are happy when you excel and they celebrate your success with you. They do not compete.
  4. Good friends pry respectfully. They understand the importance of privacy.
  5. Good friends give genuine advice that will not get you into trouble.
  6. Good friends are mindful. They are aware of your emotions and will never say things out of order.
  7. Good friends will defend you in your absence.
  8. Good friends are trustworthy. You can tell them ‘anything’.
  9.  Good friends will always keep in touch.
  10. Finally, good friends will stick around in bad times too. No selfish reasons involved. They will inconvenience themselves to make sure you feel better.

It seems to be all about good friends, but these qualities can be for relationships and marriages as well. You know how people say ‘I married my best friend’…if your partner has these qualities too, that’s a plus?

So Lovelies….how did you get along while reading the list?

Are you a good friend?

Do you have good friends?

I’ll love to read from you.

Ps: The 29th of May is Democracy Day in Nigeria so that means it’s a public holiday too. I love love public holidays. I have a couple of things on my to do list… one which involves picking my dresses from the tailor. I really hope I like the outcome….fingers crossed.

What are you doing today?

Love, Peace and Cupcakes





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