An Award And A Thank You Note.
Is it Sunday funday for you?
What have you been up to?
It’s been raining all day in Lagos and urghh!! the weather isn’t too friendly. You actually have to plan indoor activities because the weather is so unpredictable.
So Phaytea’s Pulse got nominated for The Mystery Blogger Award by the lovely Kanishka. Thank you for being so thoughtful dear. She blogs over at Kanishka’s Diary…..do check out her blog for interesting content.
Just incase you didn’t know, The Mystery Blogger Award was created by Okoto Enigma
It’s an award for amazing bloggers with indigenous posts. Their blogs not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the bests out there and deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging and they do it with so much love and passion.
Just like most awards, there are rules to guide each participant. See them below:
- Put the logo/image on your blog.
- List the rules.
- Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog.
- Tell your readers three things about yourself.
- Nominate 10 -20 people.
- Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
- Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice with 1 weird or funny question.
Questions by Kanishka
I really enjoy these awards because of the questions. It’s a way of allowing the readers know a bit about the writer. I’ll be answering Kanishka’s questions and hope you enjoy reading:
- What is one quote that inspires you
I particularly like this one by Dodinsky:
The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go.
- What is your style: Jean’s or Dresses
This is kind of difficult to answer as I wear both styles a lot but it is also dependent on my mode of transportation when I have to go out.
If it’s going to be a laid back kind of day and in a private vehicle, I’ll most likely be wearing a dress.
If it’s going to be a busy day with lots of walking and/commercial transport, I’ll definitely be wearing a pair of jeans.
- Who is your biggest supporter in everything you do?
Honestly, I’ve been blessed to have family and really good friends that are supportive of my decisions. For the longest supporter though, it’s definitely my mum.
- What is your favourite nail polish colour?
My finger nails are almost always bare but my toe nails are usually painted in burgundy, red or pink.
If I ever get nail polish on my nails, then it will be peach or baby pink…something really really soft and light.
- What irritates you the most…cough, sneeze or hiccups?
I think it’s easier to manage hiccups and sneezing…but having a cough is just so annoying and can embarrass you when you least expect. Imagine feeling the need to cough while in a meeting, you excuse yourself to use the restroom and before you get to the door, the cough you’re trying to hold back just comes tumbling out. Embarrassing right?
Thank you Kanishka for the questions…I enjoyed answering them.
Since its been a while I wrote a post saying thank you, I’ll like to use this opportunity to appreciate everyone who reads my blog…..instead of picking a bunch from all you awesome readers as stated in the rule.
If you have ever stopped by this blog….Thank you for every view, comment, like and shares on my posts. I really enjoy reading your comments and replying them.
Thank you to everyone who have created back links for my post and done collaborations with Phaytea’s Pulse one way or the other. I really appreciate your support.
And to my lovely new followers/readers….I SEE you….Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and being part of this community. I’ll be taking out time to follow your blogs and go through your posts as well.
Don’t end the conversation here Lovelies, Phaytea’s Pulse is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram….or better still click Meet Phaytea to find links to the other social media accounts.
Let’s connect Lovelies
Drop links to your latest posts or social media pages and I’ll definitely keep up.
I’ll love to read from you.
Love, Peace and Cupcakes

The Real Reality Show Blog
Congratulations! I knew I wasn’t the only one who finds you “mysterious.” ☺
Phaytea's Pulse
Haha….really though?
The Real Reality Show Blog
Oh, you found me out!
hehe glad you enjoyed answering them. I had fun preparing these questions and wanted to make it interesting rather repetitive questions. And you are most welcome ❤
Phaytea's Pulse
Mavicare admin
Very good of you! You really did great.
This is the link to my latest post as requested http://www.mavicare.com/root-android-device/