Meaningful Living

8 Ways to literally have a ‘Good Morning’.

It’s no longer news that while we love the weekends, a lot of us actually dread mornings… especially monday morning.

Well, it’s a beautiful monday morning and I’m glad I’m not grumpy. I think mondays or mornings are generally not that bad. Like, it’s all in your mindset and what you have planned out for the day.

Overtime, I’ve realised that I can control how i want to feel in the mornings. This is actually very important because the way you start your morning sets the pace for other activities. Sometimes, you find a balance at mid day, other times the day just goes downhill….and you’re left wondering what you did wrong.

In no particular order, I’ll be sharing some of the things I do that makes me literally have a ‘Good morning’. This is not a routine because I do not do all these everyday.

I actually do not like routines because  i like to think I’m very spontaneous. If I do not feel ‘the kick’ then I won’t be doing anything.

Here goes my tips for literally having a ‘Good Morning’:

  • Do not stand up immediately you open your eyes.

This might be personal to me but i like to stay back in bed just for a bit. It psyches me up and makes me feel like I am in control of my activities. This might change when the sound of a crying baby wakes me up but until then and in the absence of any sudden emergency, I like to have few minutes in bed before I start my day.

  • Meditation, Prayer and Gratitude.

There was a time my first post for the day on twitter was always : Thank you Lord for the gift of life. I always looked forward to tweeting that and ‘all’ will be well with me.

That was long ago but I still understand the need to appreciate a higher authority for the gift of life. If I don’t do this immediately I wake up, I find time in between the day to show gratitude. It makes the day brighter.

  • Exercise

I’m not going to sound so cliché and say I work out every morning. I actually don’t but I feel really good about myself when I do. It almost feels like an achievement and I just don’t stop telling anyone that likes to listen. My job allows me to walk alot within the premises so I guess that’s how i make up exercises while working.

  • Think about a loved one.

This is definitely a no brainer. Thinking about someone you love or care about gives a lovely feeling in the morning.

Take it a bit further by actually communicating all day and see how you overlook frivolous things that would have riled you up previously. Love is beautiful thing.

  • Think Positive Thoughts

Any positive thought is definitely a catalyst that just pushes you towards having a good morning ….and day. It could be about any good news, confirmation of a project, hanging out with friends, your achievements, your relationship, your job etc.

Whatever you do, always think about things that makes you look forward to living a meaningful life. Doing this daily sets you up for a really good start in the morning.

  • Meal Prep

If you are like me then you know better than playing with your food trunk. Meal prep especially for a work week helps you start off your morning right.

You really don’t want to start cooking from scratch when you need to meet up an appointment in the morning. Plan your meals in a way that it’s easy to sort breakfast and lunch in very little time. It saves you stress and time in the morning

  • Outfit Prep

I believe this doesn’t happen to me alone. Nothing motivates you to wake up early and get ready to slay the day more than a really beautiful and well planned outfit.

I’ve always noticed that I automatically have a good morning when my outfit for work is ready the night before or when I have a new outfit to wear for an event.

Asides the fact that you won’t be rummaging through your closet in morning, the thoughts of your final look also just puts you in a good mood.

Am I alone on this?

  • Visualise your day

This is like having a mental picture of everything you need to do for the day. You need guidance for the places you need to go, bills you have to pay, errands etc.

If you can’t keep this picture in your head, then write it out on paper.  Confirm if you are planning alone or involving someone else’s time, set out your task in order of priority, you should know the plans that can be rescheduled and those that cannot be rescheduled.

A mental calculation of the days activities help you start off your morning on the right note.

There are more tips like:

  • Having a good breakfast
  • Having a cuppa
  • Having a ride to work
  • Not missing the bus
  • Waking up next to your loved one
  • Getting complimented on your outfit or hair
  • A lovely text message

I know i said 8 ways earlier….but there’s so much that can brighten our morning.

Even though we always have the option to choose what thoughts we want to have, there will be overwhelming periods when things just go bad from the moment you open your eyes to a new day.

Just remember situation are not always permanent, the phase will pass and you have another opportunity to have a ‘Good morning’ the next day.

Share your thoughts Lovelies

Do you relate with any of the tips?

What makes you feel good in the morning?

I’ll love to read from you

Love, Peace and Cupcakes





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