Pulse For August 2017
The first of every month is always very exciting for me. I feel I have just crossed a milestone and should celebrate.
Today isn’t any different. I feel elated and thankful for the Gift of Life, Good Health and Loved ones. I am also excited about Phaytea’s Pulse and it’s lovely readers. Thank you all for stopping by and contributing, it makes the effort worth it.
As I did in May, June and July, I will be sharing my Pulse for August but first here’s a rundown of how I fared in July:
Post Scheduling & Pictures: I still write on impulse but the blog dairy helps. I get to put down my thoughts for a post on a dedicated page and it’s a lot more fun.
Read Daily: I read daily but obviously not paper back books. All the reading I did were online. I also planned to get new books but I decided to check my collection and I found three books I bought myself but never got to read. I’ll probably write a reading list for August post.
Personal Development: Still itching to write exams…what a weird wish! I went through some online courses relating to my current job, did a bit of reading and also attended a training at work. I liked the effort in July so I’ll try again in August 2017.
Health Goals: So I actually exercised sometime in July but stopped when I started to ache from squats and sit ups. That’s a good sign right?
Favourites Post: I wrote this for July so ‘check‘.
July wasn’t bad at all if you ask me. However, I am excited about August and the realistic plans I have set aside. I’ll share some….
- Read Daily
I found two books I thought were interesting at the time I bought them. I never really got to read them so the plan is to read each book for 2 weeks or less. I will write my reading list for August post soon and maybe a review post when I’m done reading. By the end of August, I should have read 2 books.
How long does it take you to finish reading a book?
- Indulge in a new pastime (indoors)
Whenever I’m home and not doing anything serious, I’m usually on social media or watching my favourite shows on television. To task my creative side, I plan to try out calligraphy or colouring. Not quite sure how to start but I’ll find out.
What’s your favourite past time?
- Meal Table
For some reason, I drew up a time table with healthy meals in July just to see if I could stick to it. I didn’t quite follow it religiously so I’ll try again in August. The aim is to eat healthy, in a controlled manner and to avoid snacking randomly.
Do you have and use a meal time table?
- Health Goals
This had to come in again. I have figured out a free time in between my Spanish telenovela’s when I can throw in some workout and take a bath before the next viewing time.
Lemon makes my green tea much more ‘tastier’ so I intend to use it once in a while. It’s actually more pricier that lime…sigh!!
I never get to finish the water in my 700ml bottle before I head home after work so I’ll consciously try and see how that goes.
- Personal Development
I like that I wrote this down last month and actually got it done. I plan to do same this month.
Share your thoughts Lovelies
What are your goals for August?
Do you already do any of the things I mentioned?
Are you participating in any challenge this month?
I’ll love to read from you

Great post! I´m also setting my goals at the begging of the month, but I have to always remind myself, that you don´t have to wait for new month, you can change your life right now 🙂
Have a great month ahead dear.
You’re very good at this. I always love to set my goals for the month too. It’s amazing to see later what you did and what you didn’t.
My goal for August is to bring more posts on my blog, the content that will inspire others. Also the big goal is to find a job.
Thanks for sharing this with us, dear!
Lot’s of love!
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for the kind words Zana…All the best with the job search dear…hugsss
Борка Шаула
I love to this. I always write down the things I’m grateful in the end of a month. I set my goals for a long period and milestones along the way and that’s what makes me happy after all.
BS, xx | https://queenbsdiary.com/
Phaytea's Pulse
That’s a nice way to monitor your progress..
Jasmin N
We’re doing 30-day planking challenge with my husband this month haha. You did super well, I wish you all the best for August!
Phaytea's Pulse
Aha!!Thats interesting…All the best in August☺☺
Indeed you deed so well in June. August is definitely promising.
Great idea for a blog post
Nadine Smith
Making a list of things to do is always a great way to start the month! Best of luck and I hope you accomplish all your goals ?
A Busy Bees Life - Sheri
An attitude of gratitude is excellent, and I always try to set short term goals for myself to make them easily achievable.
Selma Aganagić-Gabela
Reading is a good idea – always! And you should ache from squats and weight training, don’t stop now when you started to make progress! You can do it ?
Happy month dear and good luck with your goals.This is my birthday month so i ll be on holidays treating my self and trying to relax and rest. Reading time is always my favorite time. Love the new layout of your blog by the way!
Phaytea's Pulse
Awww….Thank you Helene….Happy Birthday in advance Dear….