WordSearchSeries #21: Humdinger || Couples who argue
Hey Fam…
It is the first hump day in August and as scheduled #WordSearchSeries is coming right up.
The word for today is Humdinger.
Have you heard or used the word before? Not sure why, but humdinger feels like it will sit well in a nursery school rhyme or as a cartoon character….something like rumpelstiltskin (one of my favourite story book as a kid) or humpty dumpty.
I came across this word on a blog and was curious as usual. Here’s what it means:
Humdinger means a striking or extraordinary person or thing.
A person or a thing that is noticeable because it is a very good example of its type.
The previous Game of Thrones Season was a real humdinger.
The weather forecast says we are in for another humdinger of a storm today.
In my opinion, humdinger does not sound like a very popular word but feel free to add this to your vocabulary.
For #WonderWednessday, I’m wondering if arguing should be a natural part of a healthy relationship.
This topic came up on a radio show and trust men to quickly pin all the reasons for arguments on the women.
It’s no news that women tend to have a lot of opinion about things but it really doesn’t mean nagging. *side eye*
The least impressive contribution on the show was from a man who said his wife was always ‘questioning’ his authority because of her constant questions. Ego has put a lot of relationships in a bitter state you know. There’s nothing as close minded as that assumption.
Here’s what i think. Arguing does not always mean disrespect. I am big believer of talking about everything even if we have conflicting opinions.
If our conflicting conversation does not involve insults or disrespectful comments, why then can’t it be seen as ‘normal’ to argue?
Arguing is simply giving reasons to support a thought or action. This should be encouraged in every relationship because it allows the couple understand themselves better.
I believe that every mature adult in a relationship should be able to argue without being disrespectful to his or her partner. This might not always be the case but I am totally in support of healthy arguments.
Basically, if you argue as a couple, make sure you are not being disrespectful and avoid the thought that one person is trying to ride over the other. That thought is toxic and it’s the easiest way to make matters worse.
What do you think?
Should arguing be a natural part of a healthy relationship?
Why do you think some couples dread arguing?
Do arguments mean a failed relationship?
I‘ll love to read from you

The Real Reality Show Blog
I like the word humdinger and actually use it. But then, I’ve used lackadaisical and epigraph in the same post once.
No, I don’t believe arguments doom relationships. Arguments mean passion. Apathy dooms relationships
Phaytea's Pulse
Hmmm…Arguments mean passion….I like that one. Meanwhile, now I have to go check what epigraph means…
Becca Barracuda
I think arguing is a healthy part of a relationship. You can’t possibly agree about everything, all the time. If my husband said I was “questioning his authority,” I would show him who’s really boss. (That would be me.) ?
Phaytea's Pulse
??….I’m laughing out loud so hard right now….Thanks for sharing your thoughts Becca
Jasmin N
I’ve been together with my other half for almost seven years and we have been arguing three times during the whole time. Everything just clicks so well that there’s no need to argue about anything. I’ve got no clue why others argue, but I think it’s healthy at some times.
I have never heard of that word before. Good to know. ?
And yes, I think arguing should be sometimes part of a relationship – it’s healthy.
I had a school teacher who used this word often and I loved it!
I think opinion exchange is a normal behavior in every relationship. And I have never heard this word, so thanks for something new ?
Amy | Toothbrush Travels
I think most arguments are disrespectful regardless. If you’re shouting at your partner then it doesn’t matter what you’re saying, you’re still trying to talk over/win against them which isn’t the kindest way to treat somebody that you love, but that’s just my opinion!
Jade (@jadeautumn_)
all about communication – it’s the key to a healthy relationship ?
Never heard this word before, sounds interesting though! I don’t like arguments in any relationship, i prefer keeping a low profile and attitude.
Oindrila Sengupta
Thanks for 1i have learned a new word. ? And no, I don’t think arguments in any relationship is harmful if done the right way.