My Reading List – August 2017
I was going to start this post by saying ‘Thank God it’s Friday’ then I remembered a thought I used to have when I was much younger.
I always had the notion that those who say ‘TGIF’ only say it because they probably have plans to go clubbing or do those other things we know as ‘fun stuff’.
Since I never really have huge party plans on Fridays, I always hesitate when I am about to say ‘Thank God it’s Friday’. It is a lot different now though because I now always look forward to Fridays….. If not for anything, I get to rest and have some me time.
That being said, Thank God it’s Friday Lovelies. Do you have anything planned? Asides meal prep, I plan to find time to read the books I mentioned I have always had in Pulse for August 2017.
You may have read in of my previous posts that I hardly ever read paper back books. For someone who likes to write, that’s weird right? It’s funny how i had a make shift library with lots of story books while growing up but as an adult I just switched to reading online.
Reading paper back books is a goal i hope to achieve and I feel like consciously talking about it will help me do so…. and well writing about it on the blog holds me accountable.
I hope to have completed reading two books by the end of August 2017. Not bad for a start right?
Here’s my reading list…..
This right here is the perfect example of a captivating title. It has the ability to tease your curiosity and grab your attention.
It has nothing to do with being lazy literally so relax….I can’t wait to see people’s reaction when they find me reading it though.
According to the author, How Laziness Saved My Life is a collection of radical business ideas for tired, overworked and frustrated people looking for an easier way to get things done.
I beg to differ as i am not any of those but i am sure it will be a good read. It seems to have a hilarious approach in dealing with work stress, it also has interesting illustrations and I’ll be sharing them on my instagram story.
This book was given to me by my boss circa 2012 or early 2013 and i loved it just because I could place a face to the author. He had visited my office for a business discussion with my boss and I remember being kind of star struck because I already follow him on instagram and knew about his book.
I started reading the book then but I only now pick it up when I’m on a road trip of some sort. By the end of August 2017, I hope to have finished reading it and maybe write a review.
You can buy ‘How Laziness Saved My Life’ here – okadabooks.com
Now this one, I bought myself. As I mentioned in Treasure Trove of Skills, I love listening to radio stations and I think that’s how i built my love for music and media generally.
While listening to a radio presenter talk about types of temperament on his show in 2014, this book was mentioned and the next time I saw it on a book shelf it became mine.
This book explains the unique theory of temperament blends and how to improve yourself by identifying your own personality strengths and weaknesses.
Do you already know your personality type?
If you have heard about Melancholy, Choleric, Phlegmatic and Sanguine, this book covers all those personality types and how they behave at work, their relationship with others, how each personality type deal with anger and even their relationship with God.
I found it bookmarked on page 45 so I guess that’s where I stopped since 2014. I hope to also complete reading this by the end of August 2017.
That’s my reading list for this month
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I want to read the second book! Thanks for sharing ? I’m reading the star-touched queen right now.. and I have never read a book that wasn’t paperback or hardback! Maybe someday. I just love having a collection on my shelf really.
Phaytea's Pulse
Really? I’ll love to be able to say the same thing very soon…maybe I should get a really pretty shelf..That might motivate me to get more books
Mariam Shittu
lol you’re such a bad reader ?? since 2013 and 2014!!! I understand that paper back reading can seem like a chore but it makes me appreciate the book better. These books seem like they will both be good reads. I’d particularly like to read the first one and hope I remember to check it out.
Phaytea's Pulse
Oh my…I’m guilty as charged???…..I guess I got overwhelmed from reading school text books back in uni….Hopefully my plan to start reading again works. Thank you dear
T. R. Noble
Ooh, some really neat finds!
Jasmin N
I really should read more! I struggle to find time for it but I hope later when D is a bit older and he’s got some daytime routines it’ll be easier to find time for reading ?
A.J. Sefton
I’m always reading. I have a kindle for the fiction and tend to read non-fiction in paperback format. I’m o Goodreads and have an annual target of books to get through in a year. Reading is good no matter how you do it.
Hi, both look they would be a great read. I am particularly interested in the second book. I will bookmark this and add it to my to read list.
Tanveer Ahmed
Awesome post sharing it
Sonja Josipovic
I would love to read the second one! I will bookmark this post!
Who would tell that about you, since you are a really good writer ?
I love to read. I think that I read over 12 books this year and counting.. currently I am reading “Innocence, knowledge, and wonder” by Osho and I love it.
I am not a fan of online books at all – there is no magic and that kind of reading has no soul (my opinion). ?
Both books sound interesting but i would love to read the first one. I need a little laziness in my life right now.
Selma Aganagić-Gabela
Love books but haven’t read any of these from your list. Thanks for the recommendations!
Борка Шаула
I always use TGIF even though my plans for weekend don’t include parties but resting and procrastinating. I really like the second book. I learnt in Psychology about personality types but that was 2 years ago and I can’t remember which type I am. Probably Phlegmatic.
BS, xx | http://www.queenbsdiary.com/
Wendy Neal
Ooh I really want to read that first book. I’m always looking for ways of dealing with work stress and getting more done. Thanks for sharing!
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for reading Wendy…
I have to admit that I am also curious about the title of how laziness saved my life. I am sure it’s not the really being lazy thing. But I am curious as to where he goes with it and what he means by it.