4 Reasons why worrying is good for you.
Some days ago while going over an issue that got me a bit unsettled, a friend said to me ‘why do you always say and think the worst things’. I did not argue about this statement because it is at least 80% true.
I am among the people who refuse to accept that worrying is 100% toxic. I have the tendency of always anticipate possible results and when I air my views, anyone who does not understand automatically thinks I’m hurting myself by worrying too much.
Maybe I do worry a lot , but I feel like it is an important process that helps you manage your expectations. The truth about it is, in my case I never get worried in a way that is harmful or unhealthy.
Have you ever thought worrying can aid meaningful living?
Trust me, i know how this sounds. How can anything good ever come out of worrying. I mean, with the way it tends to make people fall in and out of depression/anxiety, one would want to drop every issue that triggers worry.
While we keep reiterating the need to have only positive thoughts, we should not also ignore the fact that we might have to worry at some point in our life.
If you ever get to that stage where you need to worry, just Think of ‘worrying’ as a means to consider possible results or find solution to a problem at hand.
While I intend to share my thoughts about how ‘worrying’ works for me, please read this post on how you can manage your expectations. It is necessary to always guard your thought process.
- Worrying triggers you to be proactive.
Imagine a world where we never had to worry about anything and we could leave things undone, It will be completely chaotic and unorganised. I feel like when you worry even just for a little bit, you get the right amout of motivation to get things done.
For example, If you have an examination to write, worrying about a resit will trigger you to study hard.
Worrying allows you to sub-consciously play out your activities before you consciously put them into action.
- Worrying helps you manage your expectations.
You know how I mentioned managing expectations earlier, worrying allows you anticipate results and think about the possible outcome of a situation.
The good thing about worrying is, you have the time to make necessary adjustments, retrace your steps, cross your T’s and dot you I’s.
And if ever you get a negative outcome, you will know how to handle it because you probably saw it coming.
- Worrying helps you make better decisions.
This might be difficult if you have no idea on how to guard your thought process. Personally, I have learnt to make better choices just by worrying. The times when you feel you should throw caution to the wind, worrying about possible repercussions helps you make the right decision. This ranges from making financial decisions, career choices etc
On a lighter note, a friend once said to me that the reason I never lose my phone is because I never go clubbing or attend crowded concerts. That’s true to an extent because I actually worry about my safety when I think about such places.
Worrying about accountability definitely keeps you in check of your actions. If you have ever had bad experiences from a certain situation, chances are you will not focus down that road a second time once you think about your previous encounter.
- Worrying is a sign that you are interested.
If you spend just as much as a tiny second thinking about something or someone, that means there is some kind connection. It might be love related, out of concern, curiosity or just plain fascination but if you feel the need to react to something or check up on someone, I feel like that’s a good reason to worry and reach out or do something.
I guess if someone is worried about you and your goals, it means they care about you and vice versa.
Like every other thing in life, worrying in excess is detrimental in so many ways especially when you cannot come up with a solution.
For a meaningful life, you will worry at some point, it is very normal but to make the most out of it, ensure you are finding a solution and not just dwelling on the issue.
Share your thoughts about worrying.
Do you think worrying is completely harmful?
Can one ever achieve any good thing from worrying?
Do you have an experience you will like to share?
I’ll love to read from you

Sometimes I think I worry way too much. But I agree that worrying can save you from some horrible situations. It’s okay to take risks every now and then and live life to the fullest, but sometimes you need to worry about consequences and possibilities of certain things before you jump right in.
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi hi…you’re so right Lee…totally spot on
These are very good points! It’s natural to worry. I’m a worrier though and sometimes I need to step back and ask myself is this a legitimate worry or a silly one? It’s good to sit and think about things, it’s not good to dwell on them and upset yourself ?
Phaytea's Pulse
I agree with you Mica…Thank you for contributing☺☺
Cassie Liz
You know reading the heading I was like wait what! But reading your reasoning I so agree. I’m a worrier and always have been – so it’s refreshing to know there are positives to it!
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for reading Cassie
alice. (@daintyaliceblog)
This is very very true! Having a little amount of anxiety causes us to be more productive, such as in the way of school exams and driving tests! I did about it in Psychology at A Level – the Yerkes–Dodson law I believe! ?
Alice | Dainty Alice
Phaytea's Pulse
I feel the same way too
I will admit, I worry a lot too. I can honestly say, I had never thought of it as being helpful in any way but you have opened my eyes to view things differently. The next tomen I begin to worry, I will try to use it as a tool as you describe instead of just letting myself get worked up. Thank you for sharing!
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for reading Vanessa
Mommy Engineering
I love this because there’s so much research and articles I’ve read about how worrying wont do you any good and yadda yadda. The only time in my life where I felt that me worrying was absolutely acceptable was when I was pregnant and about to be a new mom. I was worried about everything I could screw up. This meant that I CARED about my child and what happens to them. My husband on the other hand didn’t understand my worry. =/
Phaytea's Pulse
This is such a lovely contribution and I understand your worry in that context..Thank you for sharing☺☺
Jasmin N
Sometimes, when I worry about something way too much I can’t do anything. My anxiety level rises way too high and I’ll have a panick attack
Phaytea's Pulse
I know right…we all go through the panic phase….it’s always best if we try to find the solution to a problem instead…Thank you for sharing your thoughts☺☺
Nicole Booz
Interesting perspective! I don’t consider proactive thinking as worrying, though. To me the intention behind it is different and the two can’t be the same thing.
Phaytea's Pulse
Okidoki..Thanks for sharing your thoughts☺
I suffer from OCD and so I feel like my worrying is detrimental. If you feel like worrying is a positive in your life, I think it’s a great way to turn a negative into a positive and be optimistic. I also appreciate the way you’ve put thought into why you react a certain way and have justified it gracefully! Great post!
I am a big worrier too. How refreshing to read an article highlighting the positives for a change!
My Real Dish
When I worry about my things to do at work – it motivates me to do more and scratch things off my list. I do have high-stress, high-expectations, and produce high-quality work. However, but when I worry about why I am always late, the laundry, the running around to all of my kids activities, or stupid people – it stresses me out. I watched a video about the “important” things in life. Put the rocks in the jar first – your family, kids, friends, and the pebbles next that are semi-important (work), and then the sand will fill in after (minor important things that don’t matter). Then you’ll have more time for what really matters and spend less time of things that don’t or aren’t the highest priority. That is helping me with my “worry”.
This is a great explination of how to stop & think about what we are worrying about & in what way is it helpful to us… If it is not all helpful then we can let it go….
Great point of view.
Yes, i agree, worrying could be good sometimes but over-worrying will make things worse. I always try to be positive and to think of ways to take my mind away from my worries.
Борка Шаула
I think worrying isn’t so bad because I don’t think it’s normal if your let’s say daughter goes to a night club and you’re completely okay with it thinking she would be completely safe. But, I unfortunately I don’t think straight when I am worrying. I don’t make good decisions.
B, xx | http://www.queenbsdiary.com/
I don’t like to get stuck in a worry that I can’t get out of, or obsess over something I can’t effect. But sometimes “worry” isn’t the word I would use, sometimes I think it’s worth thinking through possibilities and what you’ll do if they happen.
Sónia Justo
I Think worrying keep alert of what might be happen
Musings of a tired mummy...zzz...
I am a born worrier, it’s a relief when things go well (usually due to overplanning!)
John M
Good post. Exactly what I needed now.
Hey dear ! Interesting post as always ? I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award ☀ If you wish to do it, here’s the link :
Have an awesome day ! ?
I shared this post on sorry that’s a completely different turn from this ? The article was rejected and I was supposed to revise another. I tried but it still was aggressively toned and antagonizing ?
I just read this and realize this is what is expected of worry. To coerce a nature into yielding by being conscious. Worry helps, like crying. It keeps you in check and make you think of broader options and getaway plan routes you’d probably be casual about
Phaytea's Pulse
You had me at ‘Getaway plan routes’ That’s exactly how I see worry too..
Do you have a link to your worry article on your blog?
No no. Yet to publish the revised one. But it’s a good read. Will let you know when I do
Phaytea's Pulse
Ok nice…I’ll be expecting
Hey. I got the article here http://www.pulse.ng/communities/bloggers/pulse-blogger-5-categories-of-things-you-worry-about-but-shouldn-t-id7647033.html
Phaytea's Pulse
Oh nice..I’ll check it