6 Life Lessons You Should Never Forget.
Your Hands….
Definitely the first male hands that held me.
It’s difficult to accept you will not be able to hold me (physically) through other milestones, but i am glad we made beautiful memories together.
Sleep well Daddy. Forever in my Heart.
Daddy was laid to rest four days ago and it was all shades of emotional.
Three months ago, I thought writing a tribute and biography was hard but having to read it to the audience was even harder.
Can any other event get more emotional?
Listening to family, his friends and colleagues talk about their relationship with him while he was physically present on earth was nerve racking.
However, I was pleased to see that he made an impact in the life of so many people and his absence would be felt in the various places he left a mark. Different categories of people showed up in his honour and I am just grateful to God for a smooth event.
That being said, I have had a new perception about life since Dad’s passing and the 8th of November 2017 was mostly spent reflecting on things I should never forget:
- No one is promised tomorrow.
- The ‘right time’ never comes. JUST DO IT.
- Your loved ones may not always be available. Create beautiful memories.
- Live a life that you will always be proud of, even in your absence.
- There is God. As a Christian, just do right by God.
- You only realize how strong you are when you are faced with no other option than to be strong.
These are just 6 of all the thoughts that went through my mind and I hope it helps you reflect too.
Do share your thoughts
What Life Lessons will you never forget?

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might as you need it.. Be strong
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for the kind words
So sad and sorry to hear this. Such a difficult time for you right now, but you have found strength to realise these 6 important lessons Phaytea. And that is amazing. X
Phaytea's Pulse
I’m thankful to God for strenght
Sending Love and Light… always
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you Dear..Hugssss
T. R. Noble
Hugs of strength be upon your shoulders, thank you for sharing. ❤
Sending my love… So sorry.
I am glad that you decided to share this!
Will you check out my latest blog post and let me know what you think?
Mica (@AwayFromTheBlue)
Oh I’m so sorry for your loss, that must have been so hard for you. It’s great you see some learnings from a painful situation – I hope you are feeling God’s love and comfort right now.