Meaningful Living

Gratitude Challenge: Blessings and Blogs

Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year.

Earlier today, I was telling le hubby how I was yet to feel the christmas vibe and he said it was probably because the harmattan season (read that as winter for Nigerians) was not fully blown in Lagos.  

To get in the mood, I decided to set up our Christmas tree and it was somewhat therapeutic. So here are some tips; if you are yet you get into the Christmas mood, you could set up a Christmas tree, update your play list with Christmas songs, send out Christmas cards or go through your previous Christmas pictures.

It is safe to say It is starting to feel like Christmas now and I am currently counting my blessings. Here are two things I am grateful for:


There was a song I learnt when I was younger about ‘counting your blessings and naming them one by one’. It all makes sense now as I try to always remember the good things that have happened to me and the people around me. 

For a fact, there will be times when it feels like you are burdened with so much load. The best way to go through difficult periods is to make a list of the good things as well. Today, I am just grateful to God for numerous blessings.


Ever since I settled into blogging, it has exposed me to diverse opinions and have made me a lot more open minded. It is lovely to see how different people can write about a topic in different ways and it will still make absolute sense.

So, here’s a big THANK YOU to every blogger that gives out quality content. Your blogs are a source of knowledge and I am grateful that Blogs actually exist.

Share your thoughts 

What are you grateful for that begins with Letter B?

Tell me in the comment section, I will love to read from you



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