Gratitude Challenge: Faith, Family and Friends
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year.
Isn’t it funny that it is hump day but instead of being grumpy, I woke up feeling excited about the new day?
I cannot say for sure what exactly caused this but I like the feeling that comes with being excited so I am not even complaining.
However, what I will definitely do is share 3 things I am Grateful for that begins with Letter F. We are six days gone already into the Gratitude Challenge but feel free to start up a 20 days challenge or less on your blog if it is something you want to do.
Don’t forget to drop a link to your post if you do join the Gratitude Challenge. Here’s my Gratitude list for letter F:
Allow me to blow my trumpet here guys. My name is Faith, so I am definitely Grateful for me, who I am, what I am made up of, my flaws, my strength and everything that I represent.
Faith is also a deep belief that strengthens my relationship with God, so I am Grateful that even when things are not as bright as it should be, I can genuinely have Faith and rely on God’s direction.
While having a conversation with hubby the other day, I mentioned that family wasn’t all about blood relation rather it is about who remains loyal to you.
I strongly believe that the best people that can actually ‘have your back’ are those in your family circle. My family have shown me that they will truly look out for me in good and difficult times, so I am Grateful to have a Family I can rely on.
As loose as this word has become, there are still friends who will prove to be closer than /or as close as family and those are the ones I am Grateful for. The ones who will literally move mountains to see you are fine and the ones who know that little things count. If you are that friend, I am Grateful to know you.
So, Do you stick around in bad times too? Click to find out if you pass as a good friend.
Share your thoughts
What is on your Gratitude list for letter F?
I will love to read from you.

Great post. Gratitude is so important!
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you.
Jasmin N
Family & friends are great things to be grateful for. ? I think they are my letter F’s.
Phaytea's Pulse
Grateful for them too
What better to be grateful for than family and friends? I would add Fridays as well, because Friday always make me feel like weekend is almost here!
Phaytea's Pulse
Yes to Fridays…Definitely Grateful for that too
Dreamer Achiever
Excellent post! I’m also grateful for my family, friends and our furry poodle friend. ?
Phaytea's Pulse
Oh yes…your poodle….nice
Katja Knox
Family and friends take the top spot on my letter F gratitude list, but I’d also like to add the Festive season because I love Christmas!
Katja xxx
Phaytea's Pulse
Oh yes..The festive season is such a big mood lifter…..I’m grateful too
Sabra of Great Green Heron
F is for food! I’m grateful that we have so much variety and healthier choices in food now!
Phaytea's Pulse
I agree with you too…Yes to healthier food choices