Gratitude Challenge: Husband, Health and Happiness
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year.
I have been looking forward to the weekend all week. Not because I had anything fantastic planned but because I have had a very busy week at work. But like someone said on one of my posts on Instagram, it is better to have a job you go to every morning than being idle or jobless. So no, I am not complaining.
Infact, when I thought today was going to be a bit lighter, I had to work my job and also had to cater to another office because the staff there had to be out of the office till close of business. Talk about having a busy week from Monday till Friday……
It is time to fill my Gratitude Journal and I have 3 things in my Gratitude list for letter H:
It is lovely to have someone who makes the conversation about ‘Us’. I am grateful to have a companion with a good heart.
You only need to visit Emergency Wards to realise that we should never take good health for granted.
I am Grateful for Good Health all round the year and even in the past.
We should be in control of our emotions. Our hapinness should never be dependent on anyone. We should also be able to choose happiness but it is never easy. So, for everytime I have been able to choose happiness instead of being sad, I remain Grateful.
Share your thoughts
What is on your Gratitude list for letter H?
I will love to read from you

From the cartoon Lion King. They said it meant no worries and that’s awesome. What I’m really thankful for is having being able to know that word from being able to watch that cartoon while growing up. A lot of what I’m thankful about today have been as a result of the opportunity and liberty of my childhood especially easy love and access to cartoons!☺️
Phaytea's Pulse
Ayyy…..love your choice…I would never have thought of that..I think it’s amazing to have known that word front childhood as well…Thank you for sharing your thoughts Dear
Sonja Josipovic
You only need to visit Emergency Wards to realise that we should never take good health for granted. This is so true. Health is the most important!
Jasmin N
These are wonderful things to be grateful for ? I’d say that my letter H would be also happiness. It’s something I’ve recently found again & I’m glad that it’s happened.
Great post to make you reflect! I am thankful for so much but especially my family, that God has blessed me and entrusted me with raising so many kids, for having a great support system.
Dreamer Achiever
Health is something we often forgot to be grateful of, I’m happy you mentioned it here! ? I’m also happy to be quite healthy and also that I have a beautiful home with my fiancee. What else with H? I’d love to say husband too but I have to wait for couple months before I can call him that. Haha. Though I’m super greatful to have such amazing man in my life ❤
I choose health today! Whats not to be grateful for our health? And i will add hair, grateful for giving me confidence and help me be stylish!