Gratitude Challenge: Love and Life
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year.
Here is what I have on my Gratitude list for letter L:
Love is beautiful. I am grateful for the ability to love myself, give love and receive likewise.
Life is also beautiful and I am so Grateful to be alive. I do not take this for granted and I will remain Grateful.
Share your thoughts
What is on your Gratitude list for Letter L?
I will love to read from you

Laughter – we need it to keep going through the day and I’m grateful for my friends and family who make me laugh and smile. Learning – I am a teacher, but I think that we should always keep on learning because there are always new things to discover.
Phaytea's Pulse
.Laughter and Learning are great choices…love it…and I agree we should never stop learning
You Can Always Start Now
I’ll do letting go as my answer to shake stuff up!
Samantha Kresz
Always need laughter to pick you up when times are hard. Love this idea by the way.
I love this idea! I think we live so fast now that we forget to slow down and think what we’re grateful for. Thank you for reminding me of that!
Julia xx
Kerry LifeandLoves
I love gratitude challenges, such a great idea. My L would be Love and Laughter, both are needed t make the world go round x
Liked the idea and I will also go with laughter and love because both are much needed ❤