Gratitude Challenge: No
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year.
Are you surprised at my choice of word?
Well, there are actually lots of words that begin with ‘N’ but I feel like the word No really explains how i feel at the moment.
On my Gratitude Journal for today, here’s what I am Grateful for:
Sometimes, it is easy to fill our plates and take more than we can handle but I am Grateful for everytime I have been able to use the word NO for a positive cause.
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What is on your Gratitude list for letter N?
I will love to read from you

Oh yes, “NO” is such an important word. I am becoming more and more aware of the word and the necessity to use it. It is okay to say no and to not give an explanation. This is a good reminder as we all tend (especially females) forget the importance of it.
Excellent point, and one that people don’t really think of. It’s also one of my toddler’s favorite words. ?
At the moment I’m really grateful for Nighttime. After the boys are in bed, it’s my time to unwind and relieve stress, as well as get a few things done, like dishes and writing. If I didn’t have those 2-3 hours, I might go insane.