Gratitude Challenge: Opportunities and Optimism
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year.
I love that it is finally the weekend, especially because I do not have to wake up to the sound of an alarm clock.
Just a quick recap of what happened today, at least just one that brightened my day.
I had some deadlines to meet and I was really considering leaving the office at lunchtime to run personal errands.
However, I began to worry when it was glaring that I might not be able to leave the office as planned. There was just do much to do. Thankfully, I was working and thinking up other options when I got a text which suggested I did not have to take that 45mins (or more if there is traffic) trip out of work. The rest of my day went well and I am just genuinely happy I did not have to stress myself.
Little things actually make me so happy.
For my Gratitude Journal today, I will be sharing:
This is so dear to me because somehow protocols are always being broken just so I can be favoured. I never take any opportunity for granted and I am Grateful.
I am such a worrier but in a way that produces results. So while I know things might be falling apart, I like that I am able to look for the favourable side of any situation. It’s all in the mind and when you think Positive thoughts, good will always win.
Share your thoughts.
What is on your Gratitude list for letter O?
I will love to read from you

One Comment
Sarah Klaren
Love this, and love your gratitude series!! I’m a huge advocate of positive thinking and remaining optimistic no matter how hard things get. I write on it, too. ☺️?