Gratitude Challenge: Reward and Respect
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year.
It is the start to the week and you can literally feel the year is coming to an end. Everyone wants to get last minute shopping sorted and the offices are not left out.
Client requests have increased and well you must deliver if you do not want to get a query. Apparently, it’s going to get really busy till the end of the year so brace up people.
Today on my Gratitude Journal, I am Grateful for
I have always used the line ‘ you reap what you sow’ and have made it my guide when dealing with personal activities or those that involve other people.
Basically, if you put in work you get a good reward and you do otherwise, it’s definitely a smooth road to failure. I am Grateful there’s is something such as a reward system. It keeps me in check and I know better if I ever decide to be adamant.
Sometimes, I am left to wonder how we can be so badly behaved and disrespectful to both strangers and those we know. For a fact, we might slip but then it should never be continous.
I am Grateful that I can respect people who deserve it and in turn be respected as well.
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