Gratitude Challenge: Support and Self Love
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year.
Today, I got another reason to believe writing freely comes only when it hits you. Like if you do not get the nudge to write, do not force it.
I had this piece I was supposed to think up and write for a colleague but it was just taking forever. I mean, I had ideas and all but it was just not cohesive.
However, it hit me sometime today and I finished writing in less than an hour.
This is for bloggers out there who get ‘the block’ once in a while, do not beat yourself up whenever you feel like you cannot write. Give yourself some time to relax, take your mind off writing just a bit but have a pen and paper close by because you already know we get our ideas in the strangest way and places.
For my Gratitude Journal, here is what I am Grateful for:
Life has shown me that we really cannot do it all but ourself. We need family, friends, colleagues etc to achieve certain goals. Team work makes the dream work and I am Grateful to have the support of friends and family when I really need it.
Everyone talks about this but until you understand that self love starts from within, you are doing it all wrong. I am Grateful for the ability to practice Self-Love no matter how little
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What is on your Gratitude list for letter S?
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