Gratitude Challenge: Thanksgiving
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year.
For some reason, today felt like Friday and I had to keep reminding myself the weekend isn’t here yet.
I guess I am now looking forward to the Christmas weekend. I have a couple of activities lined up and I am excited about it.
For my Gratitude Journal today, I am Grateful for one thing I am very big on and it is:
Living a life filled with Thanksgiving is major for me and I do not go a day without being thankful. I even have this habit where I randomly say Thank you Lord….Lord, take control….whisper short words of exaltation and that’s basically one of the ways in stay connected with thanksliving.
Sometimes I just want to count my blessings and say Thank you instead of requesting or being expectant. I have come to realise that there are immense benefits from Thanksgiving and I am Grateful it is a Lifestyle for me.
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