Gratitude Challenge: Writing and Wisdom
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year.
I had a very long day but it was fulfilling. I am tired at the moment but the experience today beats every weakness.
My friends and I were at the correctional centre for girls today and I have another reason to be totally grateful.
You never know how much people are going through to till you are privileged to listen to their story. I’ll definitely write a post about my experience so look out for it.
Today on my Gratitude Journal, I am Grateful for:
At the correctional centre today, I helped some young girls write out the dream jobs and aspirations on an questionnaire they were given. I got all emotional thinking about people who do have the access to basic education.
Really, if you can read and write, you ought to be Grateful.
In this same correctional centre, there were young girls who stood out as well. They might be in a certain environment but I was happy to see that a few of them are wise and portrayed themselves in good light.
I am Grateful for wisdom and the foresight that comes with it. I do not take anything for granted.
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