Fun Ways to Read a Book in One Month (Tips and a Challenge)
Since leaving the University, I have had too many failed attempts at trying to read paper back books. I mean, I know how important it is to read and all that good stuff but I have stuck to just reading E-books which works for me. (I feel like I was overwhelmed by all the text books I had to read while in school).
My recent attempt at trying to read a paperback book again was in this post about my Reading List. I really wanted to put in time and effort but, Life Happened and the last thing on my mind from then was picking a book to read. I did not come close to making any attempt again until this year.
To be sure I will actually pursue my goal, I waited until a week into January 2018 just to monitor my progress and I am doing well…..if I do say so myself. One week in and I have read a good number of chapters from a book I have.
In future, I will love to have a stack of really good books on a fancy shelf but before I delve into aesthetics, I am trying to create a fun reading routine that can help me reach my reading goal.
If you can easily pick a book to read, kindly share your tips in the comment section but if paper back books feel like a difficult chore, you can learn from these tips I am currently working with:
Create an interesting reason to read a book.
The last E-book I read in 2.5 days was Fifty shades of Grey and it was all 3 parts. The reason I was able to finish reading it in such a short period was because I wanted to contribute in the discussions with my friends at work. The discussions were usually interesting as they would argue for or against the storyline and I would not be able to refer to the story while contributing. That pushed me to request and read the book which I finished reading in a really short period.
Start a ‘Read one Book Monthly/Weekly’ Challenge.
For someone like me who is really not into reading paper back books, I will say start gradually. From previous experiences, I can say that I am pretty good with completing challenges. This is why I chose to start a ‘Read One Book Monthly Challenge’
A monthly challenge will give me enough time to grow into this new routine without feeling overwhelmed. Rushing through a weekly challenge might defeat the purpose of actually enjoying a good book.
This month, I will be reading one of the books I tried to read last year. Read more about the book here.
Find an Accountability Partner.
I feel like having someone to discuss a good book with can help you start and complete reading a book.
The way I have chosen to be accountable is by reviewing any book I read after the challenge is over. I currently write a short summary after every chapter i read so that a final review will cover all areas.
Joining a Book Club can also suffice as it allows you gather weekly or fortnightly to discuss a book. It motivates you to meet timelines and is also a fun way to bond with people who share similar interests as yourself.
Create a Reading Corner/Office Space
You can read a book anywhere but if you are not disciplined then reading in front of the television with a remote next to you is a bad idea.
Create a space away from possible distractions where you can read and even fall asleep. This is good for your mental health and it is also a form of experiencing ‘Me Time’ in solitude.

The idea is to create a fun atmosphere around things you have to do especially if it is a new routine. I have also heard some people complain about not finding the right time to read a book. Here are some suggestions:
- Read a book while in a commercial transport. (Do not pass your bus stop though).
- Ditch your phone and read a book before you fall asleep.
- Read a book while waiting your turn at a doctor’s appointment/office lobby.
- Read a book while you wait for your order at a fast food.
- If you are not driving, road trips are the best time to read a book….. asides enjoying the landscape and taking pictures.
- Read a book while drinking your morning coffee.
- Replace the time used for one of your TV shows with reading.
- For mums, you can read while your baby is sleeping.
- At work, you can read while you have some down time.
- Alone and bored, read a book.
By the end of the month, I hope to have achieved my reading goal for the month. You should try one of these options if you are looking to start reading paper back books again this year.
Share your thoughts
What book are you reading at the moment?
Can you share tips on how you are able to finish reading a paper back book?
Do you prefer e-books or paper back books?
I will love to read from you

Paper back is best but i like e-books as i can conveniently read it even at work lol
Phaytea's Pulse
I’m trying to taste the paper back side of books….I love e-books too
I was big on reading back in secondary school… but I guess life happened lol. I’ve been trying to read more, I read two books in December, and I prefer paper back. Great post
I guess it happens to the best of us.. I’m enjoying paper back books at the moment. It just might be a ‘thing’ soon
Perfect tips, I prefer hard back though cos I like among notes in my books while reading but I seem to be reading more ebooks these days
I know right…Ebooks are so accessible
I absolutely love this, it really motivated me to step up my reading game again! I’ll try and do the one book a month challenge! S. xx
Hi hi..Did you start the challenge? Read any book lately?
I prefer a ‘normal’ book, although I can see why some prefer e-readers! I have always loved reading, but the last years I just didn’t come around to do it. But at the beginning of 2017 that all changed as I joined a book club. Besides the 7 obliged reads, I read 14 more just because I found my love of reading again ? (and also because I had shoulder surgery which prevented me from doing anything but reading and relaxing for 7 weeks!!)
This year I want to read at least 12 books: 7 from the bookclub and 5 extras!
Love, Kathleen
From 7 books to 14 …. That’s a huge improvement. I’ll be glad to do 12 books in a year
I prefer paper backs tbh.. there is joy in turning those pages. I read only 3 books last year though. My tip is to always have the book in your bag because I recall lots of times last year when I felt like reading and the book wasn’t with me
Before now, I’m only sure to have a book in my bag if it’s a road trip or on a flight. Asides this, a paper back book in my bag is ‘load’. It’s changed since I started my ‘one book a month challenge’ though and I’m loving it
Great post. Inspiring too.
My current read: The Defining Decade, by Meg Jay. I have decided to give inspirational books a try, and so far, it’s been going well.
I prefer paperbacks to ebooks. With paperbacks, You can never steal my attention back.
I once tried a reading challenge on my blog http://www.gailspeephole.wordpress.com I tried reading 40 books in 4 months. But i only got as far a 6 books before work stole me away. I’m hoping to try a new challenge soon. Other than that, reading is still one of my hobbies.
40 books in 4 months is a big deal. My ‘one book a month’ challenge is going well so far. I realise I actually enjoy reading paper back books. Thank you for sharing… I’ll check the link