Movie Review: The Funny and Awkward Moments from The Wedding Party 2 – Destination Dubai
After the awesomeness that was The Wedding Party 1 (which went ahead to produce a real life couple) I knew I was going to watch it’s sequel The Wedding Party 2: Destination Dubai. I counted down till it was released to premiere at the cinemas on the 15th of December 2017 but did not see it till the 31st of December 2017. That was the last movie I saw last year and was it worth it? Read on
Prior to seeing this movie, I had read ‘not so good reviews’ watched you tube videos and most people who talked about the movie sounded like it was not worth the wait.
Really?!?! I mean The Wedding Party 2 premiered with guests showing up in Arabian Themed Outfits, the Vice President’s wife was in attendance, guests had positive comments on the red carpet after the exclusive premiere, so how come the main target audience (public) felt indifferent about the movie?
I had put in so much interest in the lead couple from the wedding party 1, so there was no way bad reviews will deter me from seeing it’s sequel. While I decided to go see the movie with an open mind, I could not help but wonder, what makes a movie successful. Good Reviews or the Returns after it hit the cinemas?
As the title suggests, The Wedding Party 2: Destination Dubai was shot at choice locations in Dubai, it is directed by Niyi Akinmolayan and had all the cast from part one with additional cast like Patience Ozokwo, Wofai Fada, Ay Makun, Seyi Law, Chi Girl and lots more. (Which probably explains why a number of people thought some scenes were unnecessary).
This sequel centres on the relationship between Nonso (Eyinna Nwigwe) and Deidre (Daniella Down), their accidental proposal/engagement, drama between families during the wedding and then some. A pack of popcorn, a bottle of water and about an hour later I had formed my opinion about the movie and will be sharing the scenes I enjoyed in two parts.
If there is anything at all I noticed at the movies while The Wedding Party 2: Destination Dubai was showing, it had to be the Laughter. Everyone laughed in unison all the time, so there was no way the director flopped in terms of comic relief.
I have already mentioned the director did well with comedy in this movie. Definitely a romantic comedy and these are the scenes I absolutely loved:
- The moment Frank Donga was thrown out of the wedding.
- The conversation between Dozie (Bankyw) and Dunni (Adesua) where he said ‘ Is it me that proposed to her’?
- When Patience Ozokwor was spotted at the hotel lobby in Dubai covering her face with a newspaper. Is it just me, I feel like she was not really in her “Zone’
- When Nonso’s family arrived the hotel in that really expensive car . The cinema literally turned upside down when this happened.
- The times BankyW kept hitting the back of Ikechukwu’s (Sola) head.
- How Deidre’s Dad (played by Michael De Pinna) kept mentioning Deidre is the heir to the throne.
By awkward, I mean the eye rolling parts in this movie. I will also point out scences which I think could have been kept away from the movie:
- The moment Deidre met Nonso on his knee and thought he was about to propose. What is even worse is saying yes without waiting for him to ask.
- The moment Deidre and her friends found out the proposal was accidental / when Deidre walked out on Nonso.
- The moment Deidre said NO to Nonso’s proposal before she was persuaded.
- The argument between Nonso’s family and Deidre’s family.
- The initial chemistry between Yemisi (Somkele) and Sola (Ikechukwu). Will there be a wedding party 3?
- When Ireti Doyle (Uju) shouted on Sola Sobowale (Tinuwade). Sola cried and it felt bad.
- The scene with Saka and Wofai. It seemed too staged.
Amidst all I have I said, there were things I really loved about the movie and here are more reasons you should watch:
- I absolutely love the choice of music in the movie. The Nigerian songs gave me happy vibes and you could hear people singing along.
- I love the locations/scenery in the movie. Makes you want to have the Dubai Experience.
- Whoever was in charge of the wardrobe did a really good job. Deidre’s parents looks gorgeous in their traditional attire so did everyone else.
- The pictures were of really quality an the sound was good.
A few things could have been better though. I felt like the story line was rushed and too straight to the point, the lead couple did not really spend a lot of time together and Ay’s squabble with the MC could have been left out.
Even though the preview already gives off a lot in the movie, I feel like you will have a good time laughing over a pack of popcorn and a drink.
Should you watch the movie? Definitely! I will rate it a 3.5 out of 5.
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I agree with the funny moments and the awkward scenes and I did not really feel the chemistry between the couples like we felt with Bank and Susu and that last scene with Ay, darn, I wanted to ask for my money back.
Otherwise, it was a good comic relief for me and it was worth it.
Phaytea's Pulse
Like!!!!! That scene just left me wondering….Thank you for sharing your thoughts Dear
I haven’t seen the movie yet and I hope to see it soon.
Many reviews i have read or seen, make it look like the movie wasn’t that worth the hype but sequels are often like that. Anyways I love your review, me i am not expecting much, i just want to check it off my bucket list soon
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for reading Oge. The hype and not so good reviews were much but i just went ahead to watch because I liked The Wedding Party 1