5 Things I cannot afford at the moment.
If you were told to write a list of things you cannot afford at the moment, I bet your list will be filled with collections from the latest trends, gadgets and all sort. This is not to judge anyone as even I crave for the extra comfort sometimes.
However, what gets in the way of living a meaningful life is dwelling on those thoughts that reminds us of how we may not be able to get the luxury we so crave as soon as we need them. One way or the other, we will have to save up, work hard and make sacrifices to achieve a certain level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
One way to replace those thoughts have always been the ability to remain content. It not only keeps you away from unnecessary spending habits but makes you a better person while striving to live a meaningful life.
Talking about spending habits and finance, let’s for a tiny second think outside the box.
What are those non- material things you really afford at the moment?
What are those things that stand in the way of your goals?
I have answered these questions and I am sharing it with you in this post. The good thing about this list is that it doubles as a guide to living a meaningful life so feel free to adopt it:
Living without Gratitude
Do I need to re-emphasise why I cannot afford to live without Gratitude?
Everyday we are able to breath and move freely is a major reason to be grateful. How can I then go a day without acknowledging God for being present and coming through for me.
Living without Gratitude will be saying I can do all things alone and we know that is absolutely incorrect.
It has been established that the conditions we find ourselves in affects our outlook towards life. This is one reason why I cannot afford to be around negativity. Anything or anyone that keeps me away from achieving my goals is negative and not good for living a meaningful life.
Fair Weather Acquaintances
I once saw a quote that read ‘Why have 10 friends to drink with but none to do business with’
The company you keep goes a long way in setting you up for either success or failure. It is important that we surround ourselves with friends or acquaintances that will support us through thick and think. This is why I cannot afford seasonal relationships.
One way to easily hit the rock is assuming it will move as you get closer to it. Having foresight is encouraged but it is also important to ask necessary questions when you need to guidance.
I cannot afford to make decisions based on assumptions as it is detrimental to growth in all aspects of life.
Unhealthy Lifestyle
While we have our plans, hopes and dreams, we should never forget that we need to be healthy in order to achieve them. An unhealthy lifestyle keeps us farther from our goals and I definitely cannot afford the repercussions of one.
We can resolve to eat better and make healthier choices, practice self care and remain active.
There you have it, 5 things I definitely cannot afford at the moment. The world is so fast paced and if we do not live intentionally, we will end up surrounding ourself with activities that are toxic while we should really cut them off.
Share your thoughts
What other non material things can you not afford at the moment?
I will love to read from the

T. R. Noble
This is a beautiful and creative twist. ? Thanks for sharing! I can’t afford negativity either ?
Phaytea's Pulse
Thank you for reading ☺
Dreamer Achiever
Unhealthy lifestyle and negativity sure are poison to our lives and goals. I try to avoid those as much as I can. Also, I cannot afford not sleeping enough in a long run. Unfortunately, I have to do some night shifts because of my studies but I’m really working to sleep more on days I’m not in a night shift. I just loose my effectiveness and some of my normally positive mindset if I haven’t slept enough.
Shirley Corder
This is a clever twist on the usual theme! Thank you. I am doing it the other way round. I’m committed to finding 2018 things I am grateful for this year. It’s proving a fun and effective challenge! <a href=" Share Your World. “>
What a catchy titles – thats the real reason I click this post!
This is so great and incredibly clever! I literally clicked on this thinking, “A trip around the world…a new vehicle…” I needed this reminder. Thank you!
Alice Megan
I can’t afford toxicity!
Whether that’s from supposed friends, colleagues or my own self sabotage. I’m working really hard at positivity this year
Jasmin N
Love this.
I can’t afford to sleep as much as I do now. Been sleeping 2-3 hours per night for two months now (I wish it was because of the baby but he sleeps perfectly fine). I need to find the sleep again or I’m going to lose my mind.
Sondra B
Wow what a creative twist. I cannot afford an unhealthy lifestyle. It is important to stay healthy both mentally and physically.
Love this kind of blogpost! I can’t “afford” drama. A lot of people feel better if they cause a drama ?
Beth Berger
Love this take on the prompt of what you can’t afford. It’s so helpful to flip the script and think about nonmaterial things. I can’t afford people in my life who don’t support my dreams!
This was such a good point. I find myself looking for a house and it is easy not to be grateful wanting more. I like your posts quite a lot. They make me think.
I really like the article. ^^, Thank you
When I clicked on your blog post, I was expecting to see a list of material things. I absolutely love the way you’ve called attention to the non material things that truly matter—being happy, being grateful and being kind!
Next Level Blogging (@next_levelblog)
I definitely can not afford to keep toxic people in my life. Just because they’re “family” doesn’t mean they have my best interest at heart.
I always leave the door open for reconnecting, but I’ve finally set boundaries with people that give me anxiety or don’t help lift me up.
Rawlings sunday
I can’t afford negativity or the wrong set of people right now. I can’t afford frivolous spending or extravagant lifestyle.
Wonderful! I can’t afford to be stuck in my comfort zone. Time to be brave!
I agree with this one. Thank you for sharing☺