30 Minimalist Gestures for Valentine’s Day and Always.
Initially, I had planned for this post to be about Minimalist Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day but then, the internet is already saturated with useful information (and I feel like, if you have been with your partner for a while, you must know what to get for him/her). While I know that every writer has the ability to recoin topics to have a personal touch, I decided to go in line with a school of thought that is very personal and it also promotes a beautiful relationship with one’s partner.
The rave of the moment currently revolves around Valentine’s Day Gift and Date Ideas, but I am just on my writing table wondering, What happens before and after Valentine’s Day?
The intention is not to counter anyone’s opinion, but most date ideas are activities a couple might have probably been involved in a number of times. So, until I find that date idea that is very spectacular, I will rather veer towards the lane that encourages making everyday seem like Valentine’s Day.
Just like my thought about New Year Resolutions, why do we have to wait until a particular day to acknowledge someone/people we love?
I Love to pick gifts, I Love to give gifts and I definitely love to receive gifts as well. Same goes for spending time with people I care about.
However, what really does it for me is the little things. The little gestures and the spontaneous /thoughtful decisions we make for ourselves and our partners. Asides these being the sweetener in a relationship, it builds a perfect atmosphere to make everyday feel like Valentine’s Day.
Another good thing is, being intentional about very little gestures means, there is no way you will be forgetting birthdays, anniversary dates or even the most anticipated Valentine’s Day.
While some couples are busy being strategic about activities for Valentine’s Day, couples who engage in thoughtful gestures know how to set the pace before Valentine’s Day approaches.
In my opinion, I feel like it is awkward for a partner to ‘shove’ (not literally) a gift or date in your face on Valentine’s Day and then every other day, there’s nothing really interesting to anticipate.
Let us jointly get this love thing right since that is the aim of Valentine’s Day anyway. There is nothing more romantically appealing than showing you have your partner in mind just by doing the little things we tend to overlook.
Before you think about what gift to wrap in a box, first make sure there are gestures you already inculcate in your relationship daily.
The best part is, it is minimalist. You do not always need to spend cash and it does not necessarily have to come in a box (this is not to say we do not like the wrapped boxes). But hey, remember the aim is to carry out a romantic gesture daily, so I will be sharing 30 Minimalist Gestures for Valentine’s Day and Always.
They are really simple, but if done with a lot of care, the impact is amazing:
- Make tea or coffee for your partner in the morning.
- Pick your partner from work when he or she is not expecting it.
- Leave a note in your partner’s work or travel bag.
- Send lunch to your partner when he/she is at work.
- Burst a move unexpectedly. There are a few things more hilarious than watching your partner dance. This helps you bond.
- Steal kisses unexpectedly.
- Steal hugs too. The catch is, when it is done unexpectedly.
- Send pictures or videos to your partner. Choose if you want it clean or risque.
- Buy a gift for your partner for no reason.
- Take walks together.
- Hold each others hands in public.
- Do house chores together.
- Compliment and appreciate little or big gestures.
- Give your Attention! Full Attention!! Be Attentive!!! I cannot say this enough.
- Feed your Partner’s Love Language. Find the different love languages in this post.
- Attempt to make up before going to bed.
- Keep in touch through the day. Instant messaging apps have made this easy.
- Share your itinerary for the day with eachother. This way, no party calls unexpectedly when the other is attending an important meeting.
- Grab his favourite drink or her favourite chocolate bar from the store without being told to.
- Bend your routine sometimes. Plan your work leave together.
- Work out together.
- Have a scheduled activity together. For example, Indoor movie night, pizza and ice cream on Sundays e.t.c
- Listen while your partner complains about his/her day. Do not offer your opinion unless you are asked (especially if you will be judgemental).
- Eat together if you are both home. Or wait for your partner to get home.
- Eat out… Just because. You do not have to wait until a birthday or anniversary.
- Be genuinely interested in your partner’s family.
- Talk about eachother’s dreams and aspirations.
- Dance together, play board games together. Learn each others favourite past time.
- Wear his tee shirt. Watch her Chick flick too.
- Never stop caring.
Here is one more for the road:
- Pray together.
As much as these gestures are encouraged, it will be too ideal if anyone actually gets it right all the time.
I like to be realistic, so I advice you factor in days for misunderstandings. Why? Because it will happen. You will misunderstand each other and argue but once you remember the gestures put together, it will be easy to make up and continue being happy.
Gifts in a box will not be ideal all the time. The little things always go a long way and bridges the gap if the anticipated box never comes. (Please, try not to substitute gestures for gifts and vice versa. If you want gifts, tell your partner without being fussy. If you prefer verbal apology, let that be made known too).
One cannot really have it all, but if you can make romantic gestures work, gifts and date ideas will be a walk in the park.
I can answer your questions. Drop them in the comment section or send an email to phayteaspulse@gmail.com
Share your thoughts.
What gestures do you really appreciate?
What gestures do you want to add to this list?
I will like to read from you

Beth Berger
Aw, I love this! Valentine’s Day is a great reminder to do these things all year long. Thanks for the inspiration!!
What a great list! The small gestures are important too, right? I think we should show love to the people around us everyday so I’ll use some of the tips of this list for sure!
Sometimes, is the small things we do but with a lot of love, that count the most! Wonderful suggestions, and yes, we could adopt them in our everyday life!
Karoliina Kazi
I couldn’t agree more! I love that my husband makes me freshly squeezed orange juice every morning. And he writes really sweet, funny poems to me on WhatsApp – really cheers me up!
Dreamer Achiever
Wonderful post! I love how you focus on small, inexpensive things when many others are just writing gift guides. Tomorrow we will have a night of together and go for a long dinner. No gifts this year, but some good time together and good food. I’m really looking forward to it. ?
Jasmin N
Loved this list! Differs from all the other Valentine’s day posts I’ve seen floating around lately.
These are so simple and such sweet maneuvers. I love hearing about what my loved ones have planned for the day. I love more seeing what they were able to accomplish haha.
Wow simple yet so impactful! You have listed down really minimalist yet vital gestures. I have noted this down and I am sure my future relationship will bloom if I follow this ❤
Love this! One of our favorite things to do is give each other massages! I do like to make my hubs special treats too!
These are all great little things to do ? It always seems difficult to think of things to do for others but it almost always true that the simple things is the best. x
Me and my boyfriend have not made any plans for Valentine’s Day so this is a great list of things I can do to show that I love him!
Blush and Brews
I love this! My boyfriend and I aren’t that interested in Valentine’s Day, but I feel that we do a lot of these things on a daily basis, so we both feel loved throughout the year. This is a great post, and a good reminder ?
A Little Driftless
I love these ideas! I try to live relatively minimal so I love receiving gestures or experiences as gifts!
Great ideas!
Do you burst a move in England? We bust them here. 🙂
Katja Knox
My Valentines present this year was a new boiler as the old one broke down. It was a very expensive present but apparently if making sure I can have a shower in the morning and won’t freeze to death during the winter doesn’t prove he loves me, nothing will. I concur.
Katja xxx
Hannah R.
LOVE LOVE LOVE! It’s so important to remember all the other days of the year! It’s for this very reason that my husband actually hates Birthdays and Valentines. He feels like because it’s a holiday, you HAVE to give him a gift rather than WANTING to give him a gift. This is a great list!
Great Post! We don’t do a big Valentines Day Celebration, since one of our children has their Birthday on Valentines Day. We always enjoy finding little ways to reconnect everyday.