Pulse for March 2018
Looking for someone who is meticulous and spontaneous at the same time?
Say Hello to Me. I take my time so much and then I suddenly implement my plans without notice. The intention isn’t to confuse you, so here’s what I am going on about.
Everyone gets to that stage when the picture gets clearer and moves are made for the bigger yet uncertain phase. I say uncertain not because the goal isn’t known, but because a meaningful life gives room for unknown results too.
Read: Managing Your Expectation
I had nursed the thought to become self hosted (down sides inclusive) for a while, but did not talk myself into it until last month. Since I was all about Self-love in February, I tried to intentionally do things and activities with the sole purpose of making me happy.
In the middle of work on Valentine’s Day, I just randomly went on my choice host website and started the procedure. I may have thought being self-hosted was the perfect gift (from me, to me) because I left the host website with a domain name and paid hosting service. So impromptu, but once I get the nugde, I go with it.
Guess I should have said ‘Big Announcement’ somewhere in the topic, but here it is – Phaytea’s Pulse is now self-hosted and currently going through the phase of finding a theme, finding helpful plugins and all that good stuff.
Am I enjoying the process? Yes
Do I regret my impulse act? No
If you have been self-hosted for a while and think you have useful information I can work with (plugins,themes etc), please leave your suggestions in the comment section.
We may have different preferences but the idea is to enjoy the platform I work on and make it easy for readers to navigate through.
Being self-hosted comes with a lot of hard work (evidence – this post is coming 3 days late) and I already have a list of things I should do as the month progresses. I will share them here but first, here’s a recap of Pulse for February 2018:
Self-Love: I did this so well and even got me a gift for Valentine’s Day.
Post Scheduling & Pictures: This will be carried into March 2018. Content on the blog was put on hold after February 14 because of the move.
Read a Book: I completed My January read and shared a review here.
Personal Development: If all the knowledge I have acquired from being self-hosted counts then i did good too. I have been reading a lot and implementing them myself.
Indulge in a new past time: I blinked and February was over. I did not get to explore new grounds and I am still not used to having 28days in a month.
Health Goals: *Rolls eyes. I tried but I need to be more intentional.
In March, I feel like a lot of my time will be spent on blog related activities. So far, I have been able to figure out the Google Search Console, Sitemapping, Seo and Security plugins etc.
Here’s what I am adding to the list in March 2018:
Post Scheduling: With the site running again and the basic plugins sorted, I intend to be consistent again.
Read a Book: I am yet to pick a book for March but here’s my February read. Review coming up sometime this month.
Sort out Mailing List: Installing a plugin is not difficult to figure but the bulk of the job is being consistent and putting out useful content for subscribers. I will be reading a lot about this. Do you have a mailing list?
Install more Useful Plugins: I have these in mind – Google Analytics, Broken Link Checker, WP Theme Detector. Any suggestions?
Revisit old posts: This might be a bit stressful but I know I should revisit old posts just to sort out SEO. Maybe 2 posts a day?
Personal Development: One should never stop learning so I have this as a staple on my list.
Always remember to put in work no matter how little. Little drops of water make the mighty ocean.
Share your thoughts
Do you have short term goals for this month?
Any tips with regards to plugins and being self-hosted?
I will like to read from from you

The Real Reality Show Blog
Congratulations and good luck in your adventure!
Thank youuuuu ☺☺
Jasmin N
Oooh good luck with the new journey!
My goal for the month is to get my shit together again haha.
Congrats on becoming self hosted I’ve been considering it myself. Good luck with the rest of your blogging journey ?
Good luck dear with your decision. ? that is amazing! Loved reading this post dear!
I have no big goals for this month.. just a small ones.. but one od the goals is to find a new job, and to post more on my blog. But also I want to be less stressful about not so important things. ?
That’s a great decision and congratulations on being self hosted. You will never regret it!
Wow that is a lot of work but you pretty much organized this article in a manner that is easy to understand. I am transitioning my site soon so the pointers are helpful to me. Thank you