Godly Relationship In 5 Easy Steps.
Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in the A to Z Challenge for April 2018. The Theme is ‘Building and Sustaining a Meaningful Relationship’ and ‘Godly Relationship In 5 Easy Steps’ is our entry for letter G. This challenge will run for 26 days, Please stop by the blog daily for subsequent posts as we read the letters of the alphabet together. Enjoy.
Growing up in a typical christian home will have you studying the bible, learning how to pray and putting God first in everything you need to do. You are also taught to live a Godly life and make sure it reflects in your behaviour towards other people.
The beauty about learning how to reverence God from a young age is, it builds a solid foundation for any child and even when you get older and fall out of line, there is still that tiny voice which calls you to order.
That tiny voice is what reminds you to be choose good over evil, it reminds you to respect the higher being and obey his commandments. As we get older and exposed to more situations, it will take even more conscious effort to live a Godly life daily.
Basically, A Godly life is more than just morals. It comes from within your heart, it reflects in your words and actions. It involves being able to purge yourself from everything evil and takes a conscious decision to always do right by God.
As an individual who plans to live a Godly life, imbibing the fruits of the spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness,Gentleness and Self-control) is a great place to start (Galatians 5:22).
It is easy when you have to make this decision alone but the question we should ask is, what happens when people around us are not pursuing the goal of living a Godly life?
How do we ensure our relationship with others or partner does not make it difficult to reverence God?
In 5 steps, here are ways you can pursue Godliness with your partner:
Find A Partner Who Shares Your Belief.
There is nothing more unsettling like not being able to agree with your partner on a certain issue. This is why at marriage counselling, you are asked to find out eachothers likes and dislikes, values and beliefs. When you share similar Godly belief with your partner, it is easier to make decisions.
Pursue The Fruit Of The Spirit Together.
The Fruit of the Spirit are attributes that sum up living a Godly life. Pursing these attributes together with your partner keeps you grounded and reminds you not be self centred. A Godly Relationship honours God before man.
Pray Together.
Choose a time to pray together. It can be once you wake up in the morning or last thing before you go to bed. Praying together strengthens your bond as a couple and trust in God. Praying in sync gives a better understanding of each other’s needs and better insight in how to stand in the gap.
Respect Each other.
Two adults will always have different views but a Godly relationship will remind you to respectfully share your opinion without being insulting. Respect Each other’s space, body, time, opinion e.t.c
Do Not Stop Dating.
Contrary to popular belief, Godly marriages can still be enjoyable. Avoid getting overwhelmed with new routine in the marriage and find ways to keep rekindling romance/intimacy. Do the things you did enjoyed doing together while dating.
Everyone should strive for a healthy relationship but a Godly one is twice as nice.
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What does a Godly Relationship mean to You?
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