5 Easy Ideas For A Mini High School Reunion
High school reunions are lovely and an amazing opportunity for long time friends and old classmates / schoolmates to meet up after a really long time. It is a great time to catch up, network and reminisce on past events.
However, if you have been out of high school for a long time, you probably know how difficult it is to organise a proper reunion week or even weekend.
With everyone living in different parts of the country, some pursuing a career, others tending to the family e.t.c, it is difficult to find a time that works for everyone.
Asides getting the perfect time, the planning that goes into a proper reunion weekend can be demanding. You need to find a befitting location, accommodation for the period, daily catering, gather funds from everyone, find vendors, and even preparing activities for the reunion.
For the longest, School mates from my graduation year have tried to plan a huge reunion, but it has never worked out. We all keep in touch via a whatsapp group (thanks to social media) and you can tell a lot of people are interested in a reunion. With the varying time schedules, it has proven difficult.
If you are in this category and yet to have a high school reunion since graduation, here are 5 easy ideas for a mini high school reunion. It does not involve spending so much money, you do not have to wait for everyone to be available to travel, you do not need fancy outfits and what not. All you need is to get over 10 people in each state/location and implement these very easy ideas:
1. Plan A Value Adding Seminar/Workshop.
This past weekend, I had the opportunity to attend an entrepreneurial workshop organised by my high school’s Old Girls Association. Everyone loves to learn and what better way to learn than with long time friends and school mates.
It was absolutely free and the perfect way to kill two birds with one stone. You get to gain knowledge and also catch up with people you have not seen since graduation year. The most spectacular thing for me about this workshop was being in the same space with people who graduated from my high school before I was born. Amazing right?
Here are basic tips for easy implementation:
- Pick a theme for the workshop (Art of Networking, Sourcing Funds for a Business, Social Media Marketing etc)
- Look out for old school mates who have acquired these skills professionally and can talk about it.
- Three or four speakers can volunteer so that there can be branch out sessions.
- Feel free to invite a keynote speaker who is not an old student of your high school.
- Decide on a date and send out an invitation via a facebook group or whatsapp group.
- Depending on the response from those who will attend, plan for light refreshment or provide funds for a school mate that runs a catering business.
- Find someone who owns a reasonably sized space they can give out for the workshop.
2. Workout Session At A Free Access Location.
A Workout session is another brilliant idea for a mini high school reunion. It does not require breaking the bank and can be planned to hold on a work free day. Saturday is perfect for this and all you need to do is show up in your sports wear/ gym outfit.
In Nigeria, most stadiums are easily accessible so this is an advantage. You also need good music, water, time to spare, good vibes and an instructor.
To make it even more interesting and memorable, create a playlist of songs that were popular while you were still in high school and dance/ workout to them. Throw in a yoga session and find ways to make it interesting.
What better way is there to work out than with friends that bring good vibes?
3. Be The Host
While calling up old school mates and telling them to show up at your door step is thoughtful, that is not what I will advice as there is no catch with that method.
However, here is the best way to go about about it. Wait for celebrations like birthdays, wedding ceremony, baby naming/ dedication, business launch, house warming e.t.c and send out invitations early enough.
I have first hand experience of how high school friends can show up from a far location just to celebrate with you. Sending out invites when you are celebrating and hosting is definitely an easy way to have a mini high school reunion.
4. A Beach Hangout
I can safely say that this is so easy to plan. A day out at the beach is one way to get everyone out of their house on a weekend.
Feet on sand and then in water is therapeutic and you can relax with friends after a long busy week. You do not have to spend so much and everyone can bring something to share. 10 is a good number and with the right vibe and activities, it should be a good one.
Choose a colour code, dress the path and have a good time creating memories.
5. Plan To Attend A Major Event
Awards, musical concerts, movie premiere, comedy shows are great places to have a mini reunion. Share details of these events on your platform and those who will be available to attend can cop tickets.
These ideas are not complicated and can be planned in a week. So while plans are being put together for a big reunion, make use of these easy idea and get the mini high school reunion to happen in no time.
Not everyone remains close friends after high school but it is such a small world and you never know where your next big break will be coming from.
Participate in activities that bring people together, network, share ideas, keep creating and documenting memories.
Share your ideas
Have you had a high school reunion since graduation?
I will love to read from you

I am glad you had fun. It is very good to visit your blog.
Phaytea's Pulse
I appreciate. Thank you so much
My high school planned one for last December, it failed woefully. Ever since, the group has been super dead, lols. Talk about different life goals.
That’s our story too… Everyone is always busy so we stick to mini meet ups and that’s been successful so far. We are still planning towards the ‘big’ reunion though
Analesha Little
These are some great ideas! How special it would be to have a high school reunion. I might start planning one! X
Phaytea's Pulse
You totally should. if you can get 5 or 10 people to actually meet up, you have yourself a mini reunion. Thank you for reading.. X
Jasmin N
Me and my friend are actually planning to host a reunion party for our class and while it’s going nowhere it’s been fun to plan haha. These are great tips, thank you for sharing them ?
???? Did you say it’s going nowhere???? That’s like the story for most people I know?
Thanks for sharing your story
We had one after 24 years! It was worth it!!!
It’s always worth it!! I can imagine how much fun it was seeing your friends
Oh it really was such fun ?
Claire Saul (PainPalsBlog)
We had a 30 year reunion for ending school last year, and then in May had a 30 year reunion with my nursing set celebrating the start of our nurse training. Stayed in a London hotel, visited our old training hospitals and thought we were 18 again!!
Awww… I’m sure you relieved beautiful memories and created new ones too… so lovely
Parul Thakur
I would love to meet my high school friends some day. A reunion would be amazing. I’ve met folks on and off but not like a group. That would be so good. Glad you had a lovely time.
Phaytea's Pulse
A reunion is always amazing especially is its with friends you were really close to back in school. Thank youuu
These are great ideas! We tend to meet in small groups quite often but make a bigger effort for a meet up at Christmas.
Phaytea's Pulse
That’s what happens with us too. its better that nothing at all I guess
I like that you are all interested in meeting up one way or the other….
It is a small town!