Amazing Benefits Of Walking (For A Good Cause).
This may or may not be your style but I am usually very particular about the things I term as fun and how I spend my leisure time. This just means that I will rather stay home with a good movie and internet than be out just for the sake of it. Walking for a good cause cuts it as fun and so I jumped at the opportunity immediately I heard about it. I went on a 3km walk this past weekend and it was spectacular because we were walking for a good cause.
The last time I did anything close, it was a 42 kilometres marathon but I ended up walking 24km and hitched a ride for the remaining 18km. It was a really good experience and I have looked forward to another opportunity since 2017.
Honestly, if you have read The Lazy Guide To A Healthy Lifestyle, you will understand why walking means so much to me. Walking is one of the ways I get away with not having to engage in stressful workout sessions.
In this post, I will be sharing 4 Amazing Benefits of Walking For A Good Cause:
Creating Awareness For A Cause You Are Passionate About.
The 3km walk was initiated by Mentally Aware Nigeria Initiative (an NGO I happily volunteer with) as a means to create awareness about mental health and to speak against the stigma that comes with mental health issues.
Since MANI was also selected as one of the 100 sparks of hope across the world by the Elders, the walk was also initiated to join the Elders #WalkTogether and share a #SparkOfHope movement to continue Nelson Mandela’s long walk to freedom. Participating in a walk that supports the need to build a stigma free society is meaningful and that is something I am all about.
A number of people and organisation that support different causes initiate walks to raise awareness too and I think it is a great idea.
Numerous Health Benefits
Whether it is a 5 or 10km walk, doctors have advised that walking is a good form of exercise. For someone like me who hardly puts in work when it comes to physical exercise, I like to pick up healthy habits that can bridge the gap. Walking is one of the easiest ways to stay healthy.
Walking on it’s own:
- Improves your mood – I noticed I have been bubbly since the past weekend.
- Helps manage blood pressure.
- A good way to de-stress. Take in fresh air, clear your head, think and gain clarity.
- Easy weight loss programme.
- Helps you stay active.
- Helps you burn excess calories.
- Improves your heart and decreases the chance of having a heart related issue.
- An active body promotes proper blood circulation and walking aids this.
- Strengthens your bone and improves flexibility/balance.
- The benefits of walking extends to your mental health. Since walking is a good way to de-stress, you are able to feel and respond to emotions appropriately.
There are so many other benefits that you would be surprised at. A 10 minutes walk daily is advised, ditch the elevator and use the stairs. Walking is a less stressful form of exercise so why not adopt it as a routine. Who doesn’t like things the easy easy?
Promotes Face – To – Face Interaction
There is a good chance of using your mobile phone while at a party or park. For walking, you are basically on the move and there is hardly time use your mobile phone except for quick pictures.
Walking with people for a similar cause promotes physical interaction, you make new friends, share ideas and have intelligent conversations. You can network and build meaningful relationships too.
It is a Seamless Method to Start Living Healthy Again.
If you decide to join a walk to support a cause, that can be the start of something new. It can kickstart your new lifestyle routine or motivate you to eat healthier meals. Since the 3km walk, I feel lighter and I honestly do not want that to change.
I have also realised it has been easy for me to stay away from junk food. If I do have some, I quickly take a cup of green tea.
Never underestimate the benefits of Walking. You are at an advantage if the scenery is beautiful, if you are a creative, your creative juices flow, you get to think without interruptions, you get answers and the best of all is that you are healthy.
For your comfort, ensure you are wearing comfortable clothing (work out clothes preferably) and foot wear. Ensure you are dressed as light as possible, avoid carrying things you do not need while walking. Water is fine.
Share your thoughts
Have you walked for a cause before?
How was your experience?
How often do you take walks?
I will like to read from you

See how you look like some healthy snack in those pictures. Your outfit looks super comfy. And oh yes, I had the same walk in Abuja. Ours must be like 3-4km. Met new friends, definitely and it helped me feel so much lighter.
Prior to that day, I had been so stressed physically, emotionally and mentally and afterwards, it seemed I burnt all those stress alongside the calories. I felt so relieved and my body has been rejecting junks since.
Ahhh!!! Yes to feeling lighter… I wish there’s an opportunity to do this often with a group or something. I enjoyed it.
MANI Abuja walk looked like so much fun.. The vibe was great Thanks for hooking me up too❤❤
Haven’t walked for a cause before (by the way, you go girl! Well done!), but I walk a lot in general. Can easily do 10km/day without even noticing.
Thank you Jasmin … 10 km a day would be a big feat for me… I only wish I have the time on weekdays it’ll be nice to cover that distance in a week than in a day
I just love to go for a walk. Actually thats my fave activity. ? I feel good after it every time. ? Usually I go out for a walk 3-4 times in a week. These days I have to rest, because a few days ago I had a ligaments injury.
Enjoyed reading this post!!! ? as always so inspirational!
Hi Zana… Good to read from you again and i hope the injury is healing fast?
I wish I could walk more but I limit it to just weekends because that’s when I’m free. Take care ?
That’s really interesting although walking in general has its own benefits. I haven’t try to do this, but if there is a good reason, I am sure I will run for it.
Yea… Generally, walking has numerous health benefits.
This is my favourite kind of workout, I love walking, it just sets my mood right and obviously adds great benefits to my health
Karoliina Kazi (@KaziKaroliina)
Walking to or from work is my favourite thing to do – really clears my mind. Well done with your walk, its a very important cause.
Beth Berger
Walking is one of my favorite ways to get some exercise and clear my head at the end of a long day stuck in front of a computer screen. And walking for a cause is such a wonderful way to raise awareness about something while simultaneously raising money, too!