5 Truths About Going Self Hosted
Every now and then, I like to share my blogging experience. Not as 'guru' but as a blogger who likes to learn, implement and also journal every successful step. One of such step is leaving the free wordpress platform and going self hosted.
Have You Told Friends And Family About Your Blog?||7 Bloggers Respond
Blogging is very interesting and the part where you worry about reaction from friends and family is just a phase. By being hardworking, consistent and relevant, you can gradually grow into the phase whereby you get their support regardless of what you write about
5 Easy Ways To Find Prompts for Blog Post Ideas.
A lot of creatives go through the popular 'writer's block'. It is a phase whereby a writer just lacks the ability to write anything
Pulse for March 2018
Looking for someone who is meticulous and spontaneous at the same time?
A Blogger’s Nightmare|| How To Back Up Your WordPress Blog Content
At this point, I said to myself... Be calm, someone must have gone through this before so you will get answers. However, all this was happening around 2300 hrs and
Pulse for February 2018
Is 2018 going by really fast or what? As much as January really took it’s time, February is here and I am grateful as always. The last time I wrote a ‘Pulse for a month’ post was in August 2017. Staying off writing my goals was not intentional but if you have been a reader for a while then you probably have an idea why I stopped. From August last year, I got a whole new experience of what planning means and also had to learn how to handle your emotions when life interrupts your plans. At the moment, I feel like things are gradually getting back to normal and…
Simple Guide to having a Daily Blog Routine.
The best thing about having a routine is the seamless flow it accords us daily, weekly or even monthly. Routines help us know what activities need to be done ahead of time. We have routines for the baby, for our meals, for working out e.t.c. If our blogs are half as important as these other things, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a daily blog routine as well. While routines can be so boring, it is encouraged to still prepare a checklist for our daily activities. We might not strictly adhere to the timing but it allows us prioritise and still get things done eventually. One of those…
How to Choose the Perfect Blog Name + Fun Blog Name Convenience Test
Some weeks ago while working on a website, I realised the importance of having a blog name that is convenient....not just for the blog owner for potential and returning readers.
An Award And A Thank You Note.
Is it Sunday funday for you? What have you been up to? It’s been raining all day in Lagos and urghh!! the weather isn’t too friendly. You actually have to plan indoor activities because the weather is so unpredictable. So Phaytea’s Pulse got nominated for The Mystery Blogger Award by the lovely Kanishka. Thank you for being so thoughtful dear. She blogs over at Kanishka’s Diary…..do check out her blog for interesting content. Just incase you didn’t know, The Mystery Blogger Award was created by Okoto Enigma It’s an award for amazing bloggers with indigenous posts. Their blogs not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the bests out there and…
Comment Travails: 3 cringe worthy moments.
Hi Lovelies, Having a good day? I spent the better part of my lunch time trying to meet up my goals for the blog like I mentioned in Pulse for May 2017. That means I actually visited, followed and commented on some blogs today without threads and referrals. It felt nice, i was not under any obligation, I read some really lovely content and got ideas too. The problem started when I had to drop a comment. Sigh…. Imagine this scenario… You know when you really enjoyed reading a post, you go ahead to type some really nice feedback, type in the required name and email address (if you are…