Dealing with Doubt In Relationships.
Unless we are conscious about our thought process, it might be difficult to fight off vague thoughts that could make us have doubts about our relationship.
How To Choose Faith Over Fear
I may not have understood what this meant at that age, but it was fascinating to know my name was in the bible and everyone in class had to recite what it means. Those were the days we had nothing to worry about
4 Reasons why worrying is good for you.
Some days ago while going over an issue that got me a bit unsettled, a friend said to me ‘why do you always say and think the worst things’. I did not argue about this statement because it is at least 80% true. I am among the people who refuse to accept that worrying is 100% toxic. I have the tendency of always anticipate possible results and when I air my views, anyone who does not understand automatically thinks I’m hurting myself by worrying too much. Maybe I do worry a lot , but I feel like it is an important process that helps you manage your expectations. The truth…