• Review

    Phayview #3: Let’s Indulge In Mum Stuff.

    Hi hi,  Are we having lovely day? If you have been checking the internet/social media pages then you must have noticed or heard it’s Mother’s day.  Whoop! Whoop!! I love how passionate we get about Women/Mother’s. I have a very special bond with my mum so it’s no surprise if get to talk about her a lot. We share so much and she’s just the perfect bestie, mum, prayer partner, advicer, anyone would ask for.  Pardon my seconds of mushiness but Mother’s are just the best and we will be acknowledging that fact today on Phayview. Please check Phayview#1 and Phayview#2 if you missed it the previous weeks. I’ll like to repost this article…

  • Phayview

    Phayview #2 : Links you will love

    Hi hi,  Are we having a good day? Phayview #1 was published last Sunday, so over the past week, I thought it will be a good idea to publish ‘Phayview‘ every sunday. (hey! Look at that, I’m gradually sticking to blog scheduling *wink).  While surfing the internet, I came across a video I will like to share. It explains one of the things we must ‘not do’ if we want to lead a happy life.  I love to read everything that encourages self-love and Mindfulness. Please enjoy this video below by Comedian Tom Shillue which was done for PragerU : As a writer, are the times when you go blank? Here are 46 ideas to beat bloggers block written by…