6 Meaningful Things To Do At The Beginning Of Every Month
Apart from sending 'Happy New Month' messages all over WhatsApp, the beginning of every month is that time we ought to carefully plan activities as it concerns our wellbeing.
How to keep busy when the server goes Kaput!
Ever imagined getting to your place of work and then somehow hours into day, the server goes Kaput…. like completely unserviceable and there’s no immediate remedy? Everything you planned to do on your computer will have to wait and you’re thinking….what next? Use the opportunity to run errands outside the office (No, you already asked to be excused for 30minutes yesterday). Use your phone and social media apps (No again, You’ll look unserious if anyone {read that as the boss} walks in on you more than twice still having your phone in hand). Go over to your colleagues office and have a chat (Nah..doesn’t look good either..even if you do,…
Nothing to wear
Ever felt like you do not have anything to wear? Even when your closet is actually filled with clothes? You need to declutter. That was me a few days ago and it was not a tiny bit funny. After the frantic search, I finally picked an outfit. Of course, I arrived at my destination late. Are you asking why I did not sort that out the night before? Well, I did in my head but…..Girl problems?? On my way out, I thought about what happened back home. Even though I finally found what to wear, I also realised I had too many things I did not need. This basically made…