Nigeria @ 57: 10 Things I Love About Nigeria(ns).
So this is the first light hearted post I have written in a while (actually since August 2017) but I feel like doing this will be rejuvenating plus Nigeria turned 57 on the 1st of October, so it’s just right. Normally, this post should have been written and published on the 1st of October but I guess I was not up for it. Today is a public holiday and I have a bit of time, so why not…. You must already have guessed, I am a Nigerian (Nigeria is located in West Africa). My state of origin is Anambra which is the Eastern part on the map of Nigeria. The Easterners…
*Yawns* I woke up this morning and with my eyes still half shut, I managed to find my phone by my bed ( its so typical of me to look for my phone once I wake up from sleep). *sigh* Five blackberry messages and I was excited until I saw three of them were independence day broadcasts (why people do this is beyond me). I even got a broadcast message from a contact telling people not to send independence day broadcasts to her… how ironic right… *moving on* *rubs eye* With the green and white dp’s,updates,bc’s and tweets about today, I am now very aware our Dear Country is…