Meaningful Living

Reflections: 5 Lessons The AtoZ Challenge Taught Me.

Hi Lovelies,

Are we ready for the new week?

If you have been frequent on Phaytea’s Pulse, you must know by now that we participated in the #AtoZ writing challenge in April. 

(Hopefully, I don’t have to mention it again after this post..I’m beginning to sound like a broken record??).

After conquering that quest, it is only normal for me to ask and answer questions to help me reflect. 

  • Will I like to participate next year?
  • Will I want to join another challenge this year?
  • Did I learn new things?
  • Did the challenge improve my writing?

All the questions definitely get a big YES.

For the importance of asking yourself thought provoking questions, please read Questions before the Quest

Asides having to take on regular work and life’s challenge, this is my first attempt at a writing challenge and I will like to share 5 lessons i learnt.


Here we go:

  • Know your purpose/Have a goal.

First, I must admit that I am a #QueenProcrastinator. 

I did not decide to join the challenge until last minute. However, I thought about it randomly and weighed the possibility of starting and completing. 

I also figured joining the challenge will help me test the waters since I only re-ignited my passion to start blogging again in January 2017.

By the end of the challenge, I had not only tested the waters but I was certain I will not be taking any long impromptu break from the blog.

Writing constantly for twenty-six days was a test for consistency.

  • You can do it if you put your mind into it.

One’s mindset has a lot to do in achieving a goal. During the writing challenge, a lot of other things that could have easily deter me happened.

My day job took a lot of my time so I just scribble ideas while at work, which makes it easier to write much later at night.

Even when i get home knackered, i remained determined to post each day, so much that I found myself starting a post an hour into midnight.

Here’s how i procrastinate without missing deadlines. 

  • When things get out of control, focus on controlling yourself.

I had not planned any draft for the challenge so it was me brainstorming for topics every day/night.

I had planned to publish 00:00hrs everyday, publicise posts on all social media platforms, read other blogs that were participating and reply comments on my blog. All this meant going to bed really late.

The first week of using this method left me with a headache everyday at work and it was fast affecting my productivity.

I decided to focus on myself and not push too hard. I found a method that agreed with my body and used it till the end. 

On two occasions, I chose to write short poems instead of a full blown article.


  • No man is an island of knowledge

The challenge reminded me again that the world is big enough for everyone to thrive in. 

I found bloggers who had the same topic with me for an entry, but we had totally different thoughts and content.

I also read some Interesting Articles And met some really nice bloggers whose thoughts were either the same as mine or sometimes different from mine.

It made me appreciate the beauty in writing.

  • Not every challenge requires the same amount of importance.

I was reminded again of the need to prioritise. 

To be productive, I had to make sure there was a balance. I had other tasks but I knew which one needed to be done immediately.

This way, my day job didn’t suffer, other responsibilities were handled and I still completed my post each day.

Those are my top five lessons and I’ll totally participate next year by God’s Grace.

I shared these lessons as it relates to the AtoZ  Writing Challenge but they can also double as pointers to help us through difficult times.

Share your thoughts….

I have come across lots of challenges ranging from running daily to a-photo-a-day to the daily gratitude jar etc

Have you participated in any challenge?

Did you learn anything?

I always like to read from you.

Remember to feed only positive thoughts this week.

Love, Peace and Cupcakes


Pictures from pixabay



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