#WordSearchSeries #10: Ginormous + PDA on Social Media
Hi Lovelies,
It is hump day and I am hoping we have been feeding only positive thoughts so far.
It is no longer news that i tilt towards a lot of positivity and mindfulness so when I ran into the wake up call with kevin, I had to dig out all the posts that resonated with my interest.
…and voila!!! We found a word that caught our attention waiting patiently in this piece -> ‘when the views became bigger‘. Do check out the post if you have some time.
For #WordSearchSeries today, the word is GINORMOUS.
Sounds like Enormous yea?
Well, if you think so then you should see this:
Ginormous means:
- Extraordinarily large in size, extent, power or degree.
Exactly the same meaning as enormous right?
If you didn’t already know the word, feel free to alternate enormous and ginormous in your sentences.
And thanks to kevin for inspiring today’s #WordSearchSeries.
For #WonderWednessday, I’m wondering…
Should Public Display of Affection be a thing on Social Media?
This topic came up as a discussion between some friends and I when my favourite Nigerian RnB singer announced his engagement to a super stunning actress.
Prior to this, they had starred in a movie titled The Wedding Party late 2016 and the lady had been a love interest in one of his music video as well.
The Wedding Party is now available on Netflix if you will love to see it.
Basically, everyone thought the red carpet appearances were as a result of the movie/music video promotion and all.
They brewed a relationship and managed to keep it out of the prying eyes of the media/social media.
You can imagine how shocked a lot of people were when the engagement was announced and a week later they got married traditionally.
Super excited for Bankyw and Adesua. They make such a lovely couple. Here’s a music video of them together.
They are cute together right?
With the number of marriage separations and relationship breakups in the news, i have heard a lot of people blame social media.
This is not limited to celebrities as everyone somehow gets affected by publicly displaying their relationship on social media (either good or bad).
I think it is an individual choice. If the couple agrees to posting pictures and mushy comments on social media accounts, then they must be ready to face the prying eyes of the public.
I totally love love, so I definitely admire couples who decide to feed our eyes with their beautiful private business.
I also know some couples decide to keep their relationship away from social media until there’s an official wedding party.
There are those who do not like social media at all.
But I’m still wondering guys, what do you think about publicly displaying relationships on social media?
Does social media play a part in ending relationships?
Do you think couples should have a conversation about this topic?
Will you publicly display your relationship on social media?
Share your thoughts….
I’ll love to read from you
Love, Peace and Cupcakes
.…and please click ‘Meet Phaytea‘ to find links to our social media pages.

I think each couple should decide on what works for them. I am a more private person so you wont see much PDA on my social media but I think if it is fine for both parties, then why not? So far as it is not inappropriate.
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Sheri, i get your point…its just that some couples do not have the conversation at all..To each, his own. Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙂
Michelle Langi
I use ginormous a lot.
I am a private person. No PDA for me. I love keeping my stuff on the downlow. It reminds me of a quote that goes…”travel and tell no one, live a true love story and tell no one, people ruin good things”
Phaytea's Pulse
Oh nice…how is it that i only just came across this word…You know, that quote is really deep…we should mind what we make public..Thank you for sharing your thoughts Michelle 🙂
This looks so good about to get my Netflix on.
Phaytea's Pulse
haha…Nice …i enjoyed watching it..
I am more private also, but I share the odd picture here and there. Social media connects us to so many people, and a lot of people that I stay in touch with are those that live overseas, so I like to share a little so that they can see how we’re doing, and likewise its nice to see how others are.
Phaytea's Pulse
hi hi…I get your point…just the basics…No TMI… Thank you for contributing 🙂
I’m so lucky! I was married before I actually had a Facebook account, I believe. I do often feel remorseful for those that their break ups play out over social media along with their sadness. It’s something to think about.
PS Ginormous is one of our favorite words around here!
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Erin, yea..its usually sad when things go sour in public eye…it’s even more difficult to manage for the couple. oh wow..seems i joined the ‘ginormous’ party late..better late than never..Thank you for sharing your thoughts..
Ree love30
I can’t stand public displays of affection on social media!! I can’t stand it ginormously! Ree love30
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi Ree… I see what you did there..Nice use of the word in a sentence 🙂 🙂
Vijee Djega
I think each couple have a right to chose how they want to display or not their relationship. Especially if they are in the public eye. But I prefer when they are discrete. One reason why I like Ryan and Eva so much 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
I know right…l like them too…☺☺
Jasmin N
Great post! I believe that each couple have their own right to choose what’s best for them considering this issue 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Yep yep…I agree with you too
There is a meme that comes to mind…3 things that should be kept private. income, next move and love life ..
Phaytea's Pulse
This makes a lot of sense Felly…Thank you for sharing
Bhalo Haytham
People with a ginormous need to display their private life on social media more often is a result of problems in the relationship.
Phaytea's Pulse
Haha…Nice one….Thank you for contributing Bhalo ☺
Melissa Jellie
Love the post! I try not to excessively flaunt photos and posts about my relationship on social media, but if there’s a cute photo I’ll post it.
Phaytea's Pulse
Sure…i agree with cute pictures here and there but nothing excessive
Musings of a tired mummy...zzz...
I had a battle with my son’s teacher last year when she said ginormous wasn’t a real word and I argued it was!
Phaytea's Pulse
Wow! Really? Did she finally give in?
For me social media is a one of the reasons for breakup, as you are inviting everyone to pop into your personal life.. everything looks good with in limitation.. so sharing relationship publicly in a limit can be a good option
Phaytea's Pulse
Yea…so true…if it’s done in excess, it attracts unwanted attention…good to read your thoughts ☺
Lolita Davis
I enjoy social media and have always been a fan of “taking a chance” on a new relationship wherever one happens to be, but definitely veer towards keeping my relationship separate from business. So, if I met someone from work, I would probably just keep it private.
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi hi… I know right…no mixing business with pleasure..Thank you for sharing your thoughts Lolita
Very interesting topic! Honestly, I don’t think that social media is to blame at all. Social media in and of itself is just a “platform”. What you choose to do on that platform is your choice. I sometimes post photos of my husband or both of us together and I’m not worried about people knowing or seeing us. I guess it just depends on the people and whether there’s trust established. I once felt a bit cautious about it when younger, but now it doesn’t matter. But I do agree with others, I definitely keep things on a sometimes basis and bare minimum.
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi hi…..I get your point….i think its okay to get mushy on social media as long as the intention is really genuine. Social Media has a way of pushing people into doing what they don’t mean… Thank you for the contribution dear ☺☺
PS : I’m Kevin (not Kelvin) 🙂 thanks for the repress! Correct my name if you can 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
I’m on it
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi hi….you’re welcome…done now
Thanks a bunch! Do keep following my posts! I do dig up new words. Glad to inspire! ??
Phaytea's Pulse
I’ve seen the word Ginormous many times. But every time I read it, it makes me giggle. As for public displays of relationships, I think it depends on the couple. I also think it should be a couple decision. Just as you said, some couples like to show off their love/romance, others prefer privacy. I have observed that displaying your relationship on social media attracts attention both positive and negative. I would choose privacy over public display.
Phaytea's Pulse
Lol…hi mercy…I think it sounds funny too..like Giant + Enormous= Ginormous ☺☺….social media definitely attracts both good and bad attention….
Thank you for sharing your thoughts
Dreamer Achiever
In my opinion, it’s okay to share your relationship in social if both you and your spouse are okay with it. It’s also okay not to share. I’ve always shared the relationships on Facebook but only visible for friends. In the blog, I’ve shared my relationship but I haven’t been speaking too much about it. However now when we’re engaged I might be sharing some wedding planning posts that might include some photos of us together, etc. It’s not going to be the main focus in the blog though.
Phaytea's Pulse
Congratulations on your engagement..I trust you’ll have some awesome wedding planning content..i think it’s fine to share just some regular details too and not make it main focus.. All the best with planning Nora ??
Dreamer Achiever
Thank you Phaytea! I’m so happy that I’ve found the love of my life and I want to share some of the happiness via my blog. 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Of course everything should be ok with both partners. Sharing etc. However I think it’s normal and healthy to at least share something about your relationship, but not every detail.
Phaytea's Pulse
Hi hi…I agree with you..share some not all..Thank you for contributing Sabine ☺
Sheetal Bhardwaj
Lovely post. In my opinion couples should indeed go for PDA on social media.l but they shouldn’t be overdoing it there. Coz love isn’t about public it’s a private affair between two soul. ?
Phaytea's Pulse
I agree with you..There should be some level of reservation
I would only post that sort of PDA that I would not feel uncomfortable showing to my boss at work.. 🙂
Phaytea's Pulse
Lol..I know right
T. R. Noble
I’ve known couples who have had hard times and put on a facade to please everyone, or maybe fool themselves. This only confused everyone when the couples broke things off. And this wasn’t celebrities. I believe social media can be relied on too much in our life. People feel like because they share their life, they only have to share the best parts, or lie about it to keep face. But then they feel ashamed afterward. I agree, couples should talk. And no one should feel like they have to wear a mask at any time. I believe what is private, for the most part, should stay private. Relationships are about the individuals involved, not the onlookers. But when you’re trying to please everyone else, the focus gets turned away from the ones who truly need it.
Phaytea's Pulse
You’ve spoken so well…relationship is definitely not for onlookers…Social media is really the worst place to find genuineness as well…Thank you for sharing your thoughts☺☺