Meaningful Living

Gratitude Challenge: Mummy, Music and Me

Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year.

Hump day was actually a good day and it is funny how one minute, you have a lot of things to do and the next minute you are free.

I had some down time today so I finally caught up with comments on the blog. This challenge reminds me of the A-Z Challenge which happened in April 2017. I found it difficult to reply comments on all the posts but I am happy I am caught up for this one.

Today on my Gratitude Journal, I have:


I am a lot of things because of my mummy and I am GRATEFUL.


Music brings me out of any sour mood. It is an instant healer and I am Grateful.



Need I say anything? I am a huge advocate of Self-love. I believe you need to be at your best to be able to give others your best. I am Grateful for Me and the time I have for Me.

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What is on your Gratitude list for letter M?

I will love to read from you



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