
Phayview #3: Let’s Indulge In Mum Stuff.

Hi hi, 

Are we having lovely day?

If you have been checking the internet/social media pages then you must have noticed or heard it’s Mother’s day. 

Whoop! Whoop!! I love how passionate we get about Women/Mother’s. I have a very special bond with my mum so it’s no surprise if get to talk about her a lot. We share so much and she’s just the perfect bestie, mum, prayer partner, advicer, anyone would ask for. 

Mother's day

Pardon my seconds of mushiness but Mother’s are just the best and we will be acknowledging that fact today on Phayview. Please check Phayview#1 and Phayview#2 if you missed it the previous weeks.

I’ll like to repost this article we published on International Women’s Day 2017. We asked What Makes Women Remarkable? and we had lots of contributions from beautiful women around the and supportive men. Please read and also leave a comment in appreciation to all the hardworking mums out there.

I have followed Laura of on instagram for a while now and she has the cutest Mother/Child workout/yoga video sessions. I always have too many ‘awwww’ moments while watching and that’s why I am sharing. Please click the link above to check out her instagram page or website if you’ll like some mum/child workout inspiration.

I’ve been doing yoga every sunday for three weeks now and that is why i seem to be interested and mention it often. Here’s another short and funny youtube video I found of Julia another mum that works out with her kid in the background. She’s a certified fitness trainer and also posts healthy recipes on… Mum’s just know how to multitask . Enjoy!!!

The final link is about blogger mum Debbie…In her words ‘I am of a certain age and yet feel ageless . She has all the fun if you ask me and you should really check her blog to see what I mean…..Her article: Life at 28 year of age… mum and daughter compare notes will make you want to do one with your mum too. Enjoy reading it….

Have you liked our Facebook page yet? Please do if you haven’t and drop your link in the comment so we can return the favour.

….and is anyone taking up the Ato Z Challenge for 2017? I have less than a week to make up my mind as it starts on the 1st of April 2017.??. Click the link to get get more information if you are interested.

Happy clicking guys!!!!

And HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the mums and intending mums. You all rock????

Love, Peace and Cupcakes




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