
WordSearchSeries#19: Behemoth ~ Too much Info.

It’s another hump day fam and that means #WordSearchSeries is scheduled for today. 

The new word is Behemoth.

This is a word I have heard before but never used. You know how you intentionally learn something so you can put it into practice, that’s exactly what i intend to do with this word. Find out the meaning of behemoth and add it in my vocabulary bag.

Here’s what it means:

Someone or something that is abnormally large or powerful.

Behemoth can be used to describe a huge or monstrous creature.

  • We were thrilled to watch the behemoth bear feed it’s cub.

It can also be used to describe a person of exceptional importance and reputation.

  • The religious behemoth decided to pay for everyone’s meal.

There you go guys….do add this to your vocabulary bag as well.

For #WonderWednessday, I still get amazed at how colleagues at work bring ‘private home gist’ and put it up for discussion in the office. 

Shouldn’t there be some caution when participating in a group chit chat?

Like some people literally give out too much private information. I mean it’s nice to share and contribute and all but the downside is, the people who you tell end up using your story against you when the chips are down.

Share personal information with people who deserve to know, people you trust and people who genuinely care.

I’ve seen a lot of people suffer the aftermath of loose talk at work and I’m left to wonder how it’s still difficult for some people to draw the line between private topics and topics meant for the public.

Share your thoughts Lovelies

Do you have tips for drawing the line between too much information and information that is OK to share?

Have you had any experience?

Is there a genuine reason why people do this?

Oh and yea..let me know if you already use behemoth as a regular word.

I’ll love to read from you

Love, Peace and Cupcakes




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