Meaningful Living

Gratitude Challenge: Unity

Phaytea’s Pulse is participating in a 31 Days Gratitude Challenge. It is our version of Blogmas except that it does not end on Christmas Day, so expect a New post everyday till the end of the year.

I have no explanation for why fuel tends to be scarce during the Christmas period. I had to run errands outside the office at lunchtime today and I spend over two hours on the road.

As it is typical in Lagos, there are fuel queues, prices of everything has increased and the traffic is something you do not get used to.

Fortunately, I was able to get to my destination in one piece and when I got back to the office, I told everyone who cared to listen that the traffic was unbearable.

How do you feel when you tick an item off your action list?

Today on my Gratitude Journal, I will be sharing:


Nigeria is such a diverse country. Obviously with different cultures but we I like that most of us have the mind to live in unity. 

The war our parents experienced should never occur in our era. I am Grateful for the unity that exist in our heart and even physically.

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What is on your Gratitude list for letter UK? 

I will love to read from you


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